Elizabeth Warren‘s Summer Grilling

Elizabeth Warren‘s Summer Grilling
Gary Rivlin (The Daily Beast)
July 14, 2011
―Summer is the season of reruns, so anyone tuning in this morning to watch the latest appearance of Elizabeth Warren on Capitol Hill can be forgiven for thinking they‘ve seen this show before. …But the hearing was never really about listening to Warren might have to say. (She‘s actually rather more moderate than her critics make out.) It was about … well, that‘s the million-dollar question, isn‘t it? Is it about the tens of millions of dollars the banks have donated to the political coffers of elected officials and the hundreds of millions they‘ve spent on lobbyists?… To Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of consumer advocates that came together during the debate over Dodd-Frank, it‘s about both at once. “You make noise at the behest of interests opposed to this stuff,” Donner said. “That keeps the trade associations and interest groups happy. It allows them to say they‘re working for their members. ‘I‘m delivering, I‘m performing.'” Click here for more.