All posts by team

Letters to Congress: Letter in Opposition to H.R. 2799, the Expanding Access to Capital Act

AFREF led a sign-on letter in opposition to H.R. 2799, the Expanding Access to Capital Act of 2024, along with the 10 undersigned organizations. Fundamentally, H.R. 2799 weakens regulation of both the public markets and the private markets, making it a bad deal for investors of all types, and a boon to issuers interested in raising capital with the lowest possible degree of disclosure, compliance, accountability, and overall economic inefficiency.

Event: Reparations: How to Fund Them & Avoid a Wall Street Takeover

Join us for a pivotal fireside chat on March 7, 2024, at 2:00 PM, on the pressing issue of reparations. “Reparations: How to Fund Them & Avoid a Wall Street Takeover” brings together thought leaders Jeremy Bearer-Friend (George Washington University Law), Alvin Velazquez (SEIU), and moderator Ericka Taylor (Take On Wall Street and Americans for Financial Reform) for an in-depth discussion on innovative funding strategies for reparations and safeguarding the initiative from financial industry exploitation.

Letters to Regulators: IOSCO Should Explicitly Acknowledge That Environmental and Social Integrity Are Critical Components of the Market Integrity of Carbon Credits

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) submitted a comment letter on The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s Consultation Report outlining a proposed set of Good Practices to promote the integrity and orderly functioning of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs).  IOSCO has

In The News: Commentary: Crisis at Steward Health highlights private equity’s threat to healthcare (The Dorchester Reporter)

“Steward is a prime example of private equity’s business model of extracting short-term profits from entities before selling them off,” said Robert Seifert, senior fellow at Americans for Financial Reform. “In the case of health care, this can leave critical service providers worse off financially, with more money going to Wall Street and less toward long-term viability, hospital staffing, and patient care,” he added.