All posts by team

News Release: Experts: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Goldman Sachs Case Could Have “Devastating Consequences” for Investors, Market Confidence

Will the U.S. Supreme Court allow investors defrauded by Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis to have their day in court?  Or, will the Court rule in favor of Goldman Sachs and, in so doing, create a roadmap that publicly traded companies can use to make false and misleading statements that will harm Main Street investors and dramatically undermine market confidence by making it impossible for any investor to rely on the public statements of companies?

lawyer signing a document Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Letters to Regulators: Letter to HUD Urging for Protections for FHA Borrowers

AFREF joined our partners to send a letter urging HUD to take further steps to protect FHA borrowers facing COVID-related hardships form foreclosure, including requiring servicers to communicate the availability of several loss mitigation options, providing guidelines for contacting borrowers before the end of a forbearance, and collect performance data on COVID-19 loss mitigation options and make this information available to the public.

gavel from a courtroom - Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Letters to Congress: Letter Asking for Commitment to Nominating Professionally Diverse Candidates to Federal District Courts

AFR joined a letter to the Senate asking for commitment to supporting President Biden’s goal of nominating professionally diverse candidates for federal district courts by fulfilling his request to recommend public defenders, civil rights lawyers, and public interest lawyers when judicial vacancies occur in their states. The letter explains that if the American public is to maintain faith in our judicial system, it is critical that we restore balance to a bench where former corporate lawyers and prosecutors are so heavily overrepresented.