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AFR Statement: Monopoly Man Highlights Need for Congress to Act on Consumer Rights

But the question is, what will Congress do after a hearing on data breaches? Will they act to restore our right to control information about our own lives, and protect our privacy, or will they let Equifax and other data brokers turn the problems they caused into an excuse for undermining existing state laws with a sham weaker federal standard that replaces them? Will they restrict access to the courts?

Amanda Werner of Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen sits in costume behind Richard Smith, former chairman and chief executive officer of Equifax Inc., right, before a Senate Banking Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017. Lawmakers grilled Smith on Tuesday after hackers attacked the company's systems and got access to sensitive information for 145.5 million Americans. Photographer

Monopoly Man Crashes Equifax Hearing to Protest Forced Arbitration

Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen fought the attack on the Consumer Bureau’s rule to limit forced arbitration and class action bans by delivering mock “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free” cards to the Senate.

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In addition, Amanda Werner appeared at Wednesday morning’s U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing on Equifax dressed as the billionaire Monopoly Man, and sat behind former CEO of Equifax Richard Smith as he gave testimony to the Senate Banking Committee.