All posts by AFR

Take Action: Don’t hurt the credit of workers who lost wages

The shutdown is over (for now), but the pain it is STILL creating for workers is very real. It caused many federal workers and employees of federal contractors to miss payments on their car loans, credit cards, or mortgages. That’s why we are urging the credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — to proactively remove any negative information that appears during the shutdown period from consumer credit reports for workers affected by the shutdown.

Take Action: We demand a democracy that works for us

We need a democracy where voters are protected from discrimination and can make themselves heard at the ballot box. A democracy that isn’t bought and paid for by the highest corporate bidder. And a democracy where ordinary Americans — more women, people of color, and working people — can run for office without relying on special interest Big Money.

Just imagine what a Congress that took our democracy seriously could accomplish. We must ensure that the For The People Act (H.R. 1), which the House of Representatives is introducing, is the strongest package possible of democracy reforms — to make sure government works for all of us.