All posts by AFR

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News Release: AFR Statement On House Hearing On Auto Lending Discrimination

“A car is fundamentally important to many Americans ability to get to work and to take care of themselves and their families,” said Rion Dennis, advocacy and legislative strategist, at Americans for Financial Reform. “Congress, and the regulators – including both the CFPB and the FTC – need to take forceful action to end the injustice of people of color being charged more to purchase and drive one.”

Take Action: Bank CEOs need to Raise the Wage

The nation’s megabanks are enjoying record profits. But they still aren’t sharing that wealth with their frontline workers. We know they can afford it: they got a $28 billion tax break from the Trump tax law, and they’re paying it to themselves and wealthy shareholders.

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Joint Letter: Letter to FHFA on Language Access

On April 18, 2019, AFR’s Language Access Task Force and several organizations sent a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency in support of its efforts to improve language access for Limited English Proficient borrowers. View or download a pdf copy of the letter.