All posts by AFR

Media Advisory: Teleconference With SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson

Following the SEC meeting, Americans for Financial Reform will host a conference call with guest SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson. AFR and other groups have criticized the commission’s plan on investment advice for leaving ordinary Americans vulnerable to harmful industry practices. The call will include the AFL-CIO, AARP, and the Consumer Federation of America.

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Fact Sheet: SEC’s “Regulation Best Interest” Will Harm Vulnerable Investors

Do not be deceived by the label. The so-called “best interest” standard doesn’t require brokers to do what’s best for their customers. It will not require them to recommend the investments they reasonably believe are the best match for the customer, and it will not require them to consider costs except when comparing otherwise identical securities. That’s why state securities regulators have warned that the proposal “subverts,” rather than protects, investors’ best interests.

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News Release: Civil And Consumer Rights Advocates Applaud House Passage Of Consumers First Act

“An effective consumer financial protection agency saves families billions of dollars a year, and makes their economic lives more secure. It fights lending discrimination, and shuts down tricks and traps” said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. “Unfortunately, the evidence keeps piling up that the current leadership at the agency is focused on rolling back protections and enabling bad financial actors to rip people off. It is so important that members of Congress continue pressing the CFPB to live up to its consumer protection mandate and fulfill its basic responsibilities, as the House has in passing the Consumers First Act today.”