All posts by AFR

photo of a student borrower looking sadly at the sky - Photo by Matese Fields on Unsplash

News Release: Trump administration fails to offer meaningful student debt relief

The Trump Administration’s minor tweaks for some federal student loan borrowers are insufficient and fail to tackle the crisis. The Department of Education announced that borrowers with federally held student loans will have the option to suspend payments, but will need to contact their servicer in order to request it. This requires effort on the part of borrowers who are already under stress. This is coming at a time when many student loan servicers are closing call centers or reducing hours. Worse still, it leaves out some federal student loan borrowers whose loans are not federally held. 

a student with books - Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Joint Statement: Student Borrower Advocates Praise Senate Democrats’ Plan to Cancel Federal Student Debt

The 20 undersigned community, civil rights, consumer, and student advocacy organizations applaud the Senate Democrats’ student debt cancellation proposal. The plan will take decisive action to get immediate and impactful relief to millions of Americans. It will enable many economically distressed borrowers to focus on their own personal safety and that of others, while also freeing up extra dollars they can use to put back into the economy. 

cancel student debt

News Release: Senate Democrats Plan to Cancel Student Debt Would Stimulate the Economy and Provide Crucial Relief to Borrowers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2020 CONTACT: Alexis Goldstein, Senate Democrats Plan to Cancel Student Debt Would Stimulate the Economy and Provide Crucial Relief to Borrowers Statement from Alexis Goldstein, Senior Policy Analyst, Americans for Financial Reform:  “The Senate Democrats plan to cancel student

In The News: States Need Help From the Fed This Time (Bloomberg Opinion)

State and local governments are the main providers of basic public services in the U.S. They are on the front lines of combating the Covid-19 pandemic, the most serious public-health threat in a century. But it’s unlikely these governments will have the funds they need to fight the epidemic properly unless Congress acts to require the Federal Reserve to expand state and local fiscal powers.