All posts by AFR

eagle statue outside a federal reserve bank

Statement: AFR on the Fed’s “Broad Market Index” for the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced the initial composition of the index they will be using to purchase corporate bonds through its Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF). The corporations included in their June 5 “Broad Market Index” raise serious concerns about public benefit, solvency, and further incentivizing companies to take on additional debt unnecessarily.

NEWS RELEASE: Supreme Court Sides With Industry Seeking to Weaken CFPB

In the wake of the destruction caused by the last financial crisis, Congress created an independent cop on the beat focused solely on protecting consumers in the financial marketplace. With today’s decision in Seila Law v. CFPB, the Supreme Court has chosen to ignore Congressional intent to maximize the bureau’s independence to best protect the American public from harm.

FACT SHEET: Banking on Surveillance: The Libra Black Paper

Because Faceboook’s active-user network alone represents more than a third of the global population, its ambitions raise the spectre of systemic risk not only in the United States, but across jurisdictional lines. Indeed, a global stablecoin system like the Libra project could pose especially substantial risks to certain developing economies, where Libra Coins could functionally replace the local currency.

JOINT LETTER: 19 Organizations and Individuals Call on Labor Department to Withdraw Policy that Lets Private Equity Loot Retirement Plans

The undersigned groups, which advocate on behalf of consumers, workers, investors, and retirees, write to express our grave concerns regarding the Department’s June 3rd information letter concerning the use of private equity investments in designated investment alternatives made available to retirement savers through individual account plans, such as 401(k) plans.