All posts by AFR

News Release
Live Counter Tallies Cost to Consumers as Big Banks Block Credit Card Late Fee Cap

A cap on junk fees could have saved consumers billions. Now, opposition from big Wall Street banks is costing consumers $317 each and every second.

Today, Americans for Financial Reform is launching the Wall Street Ripoff Counter that tallies the money consumers have lost since big banks managed to block a new consumer protection limiting credit card late fees in court.

Derivatives Exchange Gets Approval As Trading Brokerage

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has just gotten approval from the National Futures Association (NFA) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to become the first exchange to buy and sell commodities with and for the same customers who trade on its exchange.

Letters to Congress
AFR Leads 25-Organization Letter Opposing Broad-Brush Congressional Attack on Federal Support for Homeownership, Small Businesses, and Family Farms

AFR and consumer, community, small business, and farm advocates sent a letter to the House Oversight and Accountability urging them to oppose legislation that aims to privatize federal loan guarantee programs. This measure would be a big win for Wall Street but reduce access, raise costs, and exacerbate racial gaps in homeownership rates, small business formation, and family farm viability.