All posts by admin

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Contact Congress to Support Strong Financial Reform

The House and Senate are meeting in a “Conference Committee” to hammer out the differences between their two financial reform bills.  See a list of which members of Congress are on the committee below. Call Congress toll-free about financial reform at (866) 544-7573. Click here

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BanksterUSA: No More Gambling with Taxpayer Money! explains why we need strong language to rein in the derivatives market: Reckless swaps and derivatives trading played a critical role in the financial crisis, inflating the domestic housing bubble and turning it into a global economic catastrophe. As the House and Senate conference committee begins

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Stiglitz in Politico: Conference Must Preserve Strongest Provisions

Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz writes in Politico about the upcoming Conference Committee between the House and Senate.  He writes: The future of improved financial regulations depends largely on how the differences between the House and Senate bills are resolved. If the strongest provisions