AFR in the News Duplicate

Much to Do to Prevent Another Lehman Brothers
Boston Globe, 9/16/13
Forced Arbitration is a Corporate Get-out-of-jail-free Card, 9/6/13
A Really Small Wall Street Tax Could Make a Really Big Difference
US, 8/21/13

Choke Off Predatory Lending at the Bank Bottleneck
US, 8/13/2013
Fed Chair Needs to Be a Wall Street Watchdog
US, 8/7/2013
The Case for a 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act
US, 7/31/2013
Senate Saves Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
MoveOn.Org, 8/13

Two Banks’ Payday-Advance Lending Draws Scrutiny
Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel, 8/15/13

Slave to the Payday Lender
Jackson (Miss.) Free Press, 8/15/13

AFR Policy Director Marcus Stanley Discusses the Benefits of Regulation for Consumers
CNBC, 8/10/12

Can Larry Summers Play Nice with Other Financial Regulators?
Mike Konczal, Washington Post (Wonkblog) 8/4/13

Americans Want Stronger Wall Street Reforms
Wall Street Journal (Morning Call), 7/31/13

Give us Tougher Financial Reform, Americans Say
LifeHealth Pro, 7/30/13

Congress to Fed: End Too-Big-to-Fail Already!
Erika Eichelberger, Mother Jones, 7/25/13

Wall Street Commodity Trading in Jeopardy Amid Fed Review
Bob Ivry, Bloomberg News, 7/23/11

Book review: ‘Financial Justice’ details passage of Consumer Protection Act
Devon Merling, Salt Lake City Sun, 7/22/13

Survey: 63% Say Big Banks Only Out for Themselves
Victor Epstein, Des Moines Register, 7/22/13

Does Dodd-Frank Work? We Asked 16 Experts
Washington Post Wonkblog, 7/20/13

Regulators Stuck in Dodd-Frank Quagmire Three Years Later
Donna Borak, American Banker, 7/19/13

Cordray, Watchdogs Earn Praise, Criticism
Columbus Dispatch, 7/18/13

Democrats’ Unease with Derivatives Reforms on Display
PoliticoPro (paywalled), 7/8/13

Dodd-Frank Executive Pay Rule Still in Limbo Amid Pushback from Corporate America
Washington Post 7/7/13

Wall Street Dodges Financial Reform Again
Mother Jones 7/5/13

Taking Consumer Complaints Seriously
US, 7/5/13

Deadline on Trading Rules Abroad Splits an Agency
New York Times 7/2/13

How the CFPB Came to Be
US PIRG, 6/27/13

A Wall Street Regulator’s Race Against Time
Washington Post 6/22/13

Book Review: ‘Financial Justice’ Details Passage of Consumer Protection Act
Deseret News 6/22/13

Risky Derivatives Trading Comes Roaring Back
Washington Post 6/21/13

Chasing Dodd-Frank Across the Pond
Dana Chasin interviews Alexis Goldstein 6/19/13

CEOs Want to Hide Riches Through Repeal of Wage Gap Disclosure Requirement
Huffington Post 6/19/13

Want to Know How your Rep. Voted on Wall Street Regs? Check the Campaign Cash. 
Mother Jones 6/17/13

Wall Street Support puts Gwen Moore on Hot Seat
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 6/16/13

House Bill Would Align SEC and CFTC’s Cross-Border Swap Rules
Compliance Week 6/13/13

House Passes Bill That Could Lead to Another Financial Crash–But Reformers Claim Victory
Mother Jones 6/13/13

Taking Consumer Complaints Seriously
US News, 6/5/13

Foreign Banks Seek Level Field on Derivatives
Politico Pro 6/5/13

Dodd-Frank Act: After 3 Years, a Long To-Do List
USA Today 6/4/13

Wall Street Lobbyists Rout Groups Pressing For New Tight Regulations
The Hill 6/3/13

The Day John Dingell Predicted ‘Too Big to Fail’
The News-Herald 6/3/13

Opinion: U.S. Rep Mel Watt is Right Choice to Head Federal Housing Finance Agency of Trenton 5/31/13

Groups Appeal to Federal Judge for Fair Lending Data on Homeowner Relief
Legal Newsline Legal Journal 5/30/13

See How Citigroup Wrote a Bill So It Could Get a Bailout
Mother Jones 5/24/13

Meet The People Who Are Subverting Wall Street Reform
ThinkProgress, 5/24/13

Banks’ Lobbyists Help in Drafting Financial Bills
New York Times 5/23/13

Wall Street Seeks Dodd-Frank Changes Through Trade Talks
Bloomberg 5/23/13

Court Ruling Puts Cloud Over U.S. Consumer Agency as Work Slows
Bloomberg 5/22/13

Three Reasons Why Harry Reid Should ‘Go Nuclear’
Huffington Post 5/21/13

A Real Scandal Is the Senate’s Consumer Bureau Obstruction, 5/21/13

Sneaky House Bill Would Gut Financial Reform
Mother Jones 5/21/13

How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank
The Nation 5/20/13

AFR’s Jim Lardner on Radio with a View
WMBR 88.1 FM 5/19/13

Wall Street’s Regulatory Rapture
The American Prospect 5/16/13

Snuff the SEC
Forbes 5/16/13

Big Banks Get Break in Rules to Limit Risks
New York Times 5/15/13

Student Loan Horror Stories, Revealed
US, 5/14/13

Swap Regulators Face Congressional Push to Curb Dodd-Frank
Bloomberg 5/7/13

Legislative package seeks to weaken derivatives provisions of Dodd-Frank law
Washington Post 5/7/13

Dodd-Frank is finally being implemented. Will that be enough? 
Washington Post 5/6/13

Derivatives Vote Could Ignite Debate on Dodd-Frank Fixes
American Banker 5/3/13

Housing Activists Convince Obama to Dump DeMarco
Huffington Post 5/2/13

Consumer groups Push GOP Sen. Portman on Cordray Confirmation
WKSU Radio 5/2/13

SEC’s White Said to Push for Lifting Ban on Hedge-Fund Ads
Bloomberg 4/26/13

Senator McConnell Says We Shouldn’t Have a CFPB at All
USPIRG, 4/18/13

Foreign Banks Gear up to Pressure the Fed
Politico Pro 4/15/13

Fees on Structured Notes Tied to Stocks Climb to Three-Year High
Bloomberg 4/4/13

Swaps Among Bank Affiliates Exempt Under CFTC Clearing Rule
Bloomberg 4/2/13

Regulators Closer to Supervising Nonbank Financial Companies
Washington Post 4/3/13

Democrats Are Undermining Wall Street Reform, Too
Mother Jones 4/3/13

He Who Makes the Rules
Washington Monthly, March/April 2013

Community Advocates Seek Data on True Impact of Mortgage Settlement
eCreditDaily 3/29/13

U.S. Overdraft Fees Jump To $32 Billion As New Rules Prove Ineffective
Huffington Post, 3/29/13

Consumer’s Choice: GOP Senators Must End The Roadblock To Cordray
Editorial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/26/13

Bureau Keeps an Eye on Wall Street
Mary A. Huttlinger, Op Ed, Cincinnati Enquirer, 3/23/13

Is it Already Time to Weaken Dodd-Frank?
Washington Post 3/23/13

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Branches Out
Politico Pro 3/22/13

Your Transidebit Card
Chicago Tribune 3/22/13

We’re Getting the Feeling That Wall Street Isn’t Sorry
USNews 3/22/13

AFR Criticizes Six House Swap Bills
Paramus Post 3/22/13

Industry Panel Whines About Derivatives Regulations
Money News 3/22/13

Editorial: Confirm Cordray
Toledo Blade 3/21/13

Feds Crack Down On ‘Discriminatory’ Auto Loans
Herb Weisbaum, NBC Today, 3/21/13

House Ag Committee Dems Vote to Deregulate Derivatives
Americablog 3/21/13

Jim Himes Walks Fine Line on Changing Dodd-Frank
Politico Pro 3/20/13

Wall Street Wins Under Swap-Rule Changes Moving in House
Bloomberg 3/20/13

New Consumer Watchdog Under Attack
Kevin DeMarrais, Bergen County Record, 3/20/13

IsJPMorgan a Farmer?
Salon 3/20/13

Wall Street Deregulation Advances As Top Democrat Warns That Vote Could ‘Haunt’ Congress
Huffington Post 3/20/13

When You Weren’t Looking, Democrat Bank Stooges Launch Bills to Permit Bailouts, Deregulate Derivatives
Naked Capitalism 3/19/13

Cordray Wins Party-Line Approval In DC As Consumer Leader Lauds His Leadership
John Michael Spinelli,, 3/19/1

Senate Panel Gives Thumbs-Up To Confirming CFPB Director Cordray
Chris Morran, The Consumerist, 3/19/13

Wall Street Deregulation Garners Bipartisan Support Despite Devastating JPMorgan Report
Huffington Post 3/19/13

Senators are in a giant hole, yet they continue to dig
Jack Terry, Columbus Dispatch, 3/18/13

Elizabeth Warren Has Consumers’ Backs
Editorial, The Republican, 3/17/13

CFPB’s Current Structure Is Best For Consumers
Before It’s News, 3/17/13

CFPB Needs Aid on Student Loans
Wilson Dizard, New York Post, 3/16/13

Filibuster Wars, Again
Editorial, Washington Post, 3/16/13

Regulators Strike Compromise on New Derivatives Rules
Wall Street Journal 3/16/13

Consumer Watchdog Wants to Keep An Eye on Student Loan Business
Brandon Ballenger, Money Talks (Yahoo Finance), 3/15/13

The latest attack on needed financial reforms
Editorial, Boulder Daily Camera, 3/15/13

Are Bankers Making Peace with the CFPB?
Maria Aspan, American Banker, 3/15/13

The CFPB: Main Street’s Best Friend in Government
Forbes 3/14/13

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers help with bank complaints
Clark Howard, Consumer Blog, 3/14/13

Jack and The Giant Bank
Alden Graves, Bennington Banner, 3/14/13

Reconfirm the Consumer Watchdog
Jim McCarthy and Vincent Curry, Cincinnati Enquirer, 3/13/13

Republicans Continue Praise Of Cordray, Criticism Of Bureau
M.L. Schultze, WOSU-TV, Columbus, 3/13/13

Confirm Cordray
Editorial, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/13/13

Ruling Ensures Minority Tyranny
Herman Schwartz, Politico, 3/12/13

The latest attack on needed financial reforms
Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/12/13

Cordial Nomination Hearing for Cordray, but GOP Doesn’t Budge on Opposition
Tom Curry, NBC News, 3/12/13

Why Are Republicans Blocking Richard Cordray at the CFPB?
Amy Traub, Demos Policy Shop, 3/12/13

10 reasons the Senate should confirm Richard Cordray and let the CFPB protect consumers from predatory banks
Teamster Nation, 3/12/13

Is Government Going Far Enough in Addressing ‘Too Big to Fail?’ (VIDEO)
Fox Business 3/11/13

5 Reasons Why Republicans Should Confirm Richard Cordray as CFPB Director
Bill Bartmann, Huffington Post, 3/11/13

Protect Consumers, Confirm Cordray
Jim McCarthy and Vincent Curry, Op Ed, Dayton Daily News, 3/11/13

Cordray, The Sequel
Editorial, Akron Beacon-Journal, 3/10/13

Portman making swing to the right
Joe Hallett, Op Ed, Columbus Dispatch, 3/10/13

MetLife CEO Makes Case Against Being Deemed ‘Systemically Important’
Washington Post 3/7/13

Advocacy Groups and Independent Advisors Criticize Stivers’ MA Bill
The Bond Buyer 3/4/13

Regulators Closer to Supervising Nonbank Financial Companies
Washington Post, 3/3/13

Hey, Washington! You Still Owe Us a Complete Consumer Agency
Sheryl Harris, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/2/13

Watchdog Must Be Unleashed
Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer, 2/22/13

Why Consumer Watchdog Agency Still Has No Chief
Herb Weisbaum, NBC News, 2/21/13

NPR’s “On Point” Examines CFPB Battle
NPR 2/18/13

Credit Errors Point to Need for Watchdog
Editorial, Roanoke Times, 2/18/13

Presidents Need Recess Appointment Power
Editorial, Tampa Bay Times, 2/15/13

Confirming Cordray
Editorial, Akron Beacon-Journal, 2/10/13

Quietly Killing a Consumer Watchdog
Editorial, New York Times, 2/10/13

GOP Senators Obstructing the Consumer Protection Bureau Receive Loads Of Wall Street Donations
Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress, 2/5/13

Obama Must Use Bully Pulpit 6o Save Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Editorial, New Jersey Star-Ledger, 2/5/13

Senators Pledging to Block Wall Street Watchdog Have Received $143 Million in Financial Industry Cash
Adam Smith, Public Campaign, 2/5/13

Why the Republican CFPB Arguments Are Wrong
Mike Konczal, Roosevelt Institute, 2/5/13

Small Businesses Overwhelmingly Support Financial Reform, CFPB
Michael Lipsky, Demos Policy Shop, 2/5/13

Republicans Versus Consumers
Andrew Rosenthal, New York Times, 2/4/13

Friends of Fraud
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2/3/13

In Appointment Ruling, Judges Take A Recess From Common Sense
Editorial, Washington Post, 2/1/13

GOP to Filibuster Obama’s Consumer Watchdog Pick
Adam Serwer, Mother Jones, 2/1/13

Is Mary Jo White Tough Enough? Here’s One Way to Find Out 2/1/13

President Obama Is Right To Act When Congress Fakes A Recess
Editorial, The Republican (Springfield, Mass.), 1/30/13

One-Percent Justice: The Right’s War on Labor and Consumers Takes an Ugly Turn
Harold Meyerson, American Prospect, 1/29/13

Richard Cordray Deserves to Lead the CFPB
Editorial, Bloomberg News, 1/28/13

Should Obama Pull a ‘W’ on the Obstructionist Assault?
Adam Levin, Huffington Post, 1/28/13

Cordray Nomination Shows Consumer Bureau Battle Lines Unmoved
Bloomberg, 1/25/13

Consumers Warned on Deferred-Interest Cards
Wall Street Journal, 12/27/12

Wall Street Is Bracing for the Dodd-Frank Rules to Kick In
New York Times, 12/11/12

Dodd-Frank Technical Fixes Get Wary Reception From Law’s Backers
Bloomberg (and widely reprinted), 12/10/12

The Endless and Ironic Attacks on the CFPB
David Callahan, American Prospect, 1/16/13

AFR Responds To George Will: Stop Hyperventilating About The CFPB
Politico Morning Money, 11/21/12

Senate Slows Down Controversial Cost-Benefit Analysis Bill
Law, 11/15/12

Senate Slows Down Controversial Cost-Benefit Analysis Bill
Law, 11/15/12

Senate Delays Vote on Bill That Would Banish Financial Regulation to Cost-Benefit Analysis Hell
Huffington Post, 11/14/12

Editorial: Senate Confronts a Sleazy Stealth Attack on Financial Regulation
St Louis Post-Dispatch, 11/13/12

Financial Regulation Advocates Fighting Bill to Gut Regulatory Agencies
Firedoglake, 11/9/12

Editorial: Making Independent Agencies Less Independent
New York Times, 11/6/12

Regulators Raise Concerns Over Impact of Collins’ Bill
Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, 11/4/12

FDIC Looks Into Banks Making Payday Loans
Portland (Ore.) Business Journal, 11/1/12

Consumer Complaint Database Producing Results
Chicago Tribune, 10/14/12

CFPB’s existence at stake in election, 10/12/12

Financial Watchdog Braces for Election
Fox Business, 10/12/12

Senators Want To Empower White House to Block “Costly” Financial Regulations
Huffington Post, 9/10/12

U.S. Banks Push Consumer Bureau to Postpone Rule on Remittances
Bloomberg, 8/16/12

AFR’s Marcus Stanley on The Costs of Regulation: Who Eats the Bill?
CNBC, 8/10/12

AFR’s Marcus Stanley Interviewed for Dodd-Frank: Year One Progress Report
PBS News Hour, 7/21/12

Voters Approve of Dodd-Frank Bill
United Press International (widely reprinted), 7/18/12

Most Voters Support Dodd-Frank, CFPB
American Banker, 7/18/12

Most Americans Big Fans of Wall Street Regulation
Huffington Post, 7/18/12

Tea-Party Congresmen Accept Cash From Bailed-Out Bankers
Bloomberg, 4/30/12

MAJOR ARTICLES (summaries & excerpts)