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Dec 6, 2022
The Honorable Sherrod Brown
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Re: Support for the Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act
Dear Chairman Brown,
The undersigned organizations, which together represent a broad cross-section of regulated banks, credit unions, and consumer protection organizations, write today to express support for your recently introduced legislation, the Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act, which would close the industrial loan company (ILC) loophole in current law.
ILCs operate under a special exemption in federal law that permits any type of organization – including a large technology company or commercial firm – to control a full-service FDIC-insured bank without being subject to the same oversight and prudential standards or limitations on the mixing of banking and commerce that Congress has established for the U.S. financial system.
When this exception was initially created, ILCs were typically small financial institutions, and companies used the charter for the limited purpose of providing small loans to industrial workers who could not otherwise obtain credit. However, since that time, large commercial companies have used the ILC charter to gain access to the U.S. financial system and control entities that have essentially all of the powers of a full-service commercial bank, including the ability to accept deposits, make consumer and commercial loans and effectuate payments.
Although ILCs have the powers of a commercial bank, their corporate owners — unlike the owners of commercial banks — are not subject to consolidated supervision and regulation by a federal banking agency, which can allow risks to build up in the organization outside the view of any federal supervisor. Simply put, this regulatory loophole creates safety and soundness risks for the institution, risks to the financial system and additional risks for consumers and taxpayers. Currently, ILCs of any size can collect FDIC-insured savings from retail customers and offer mortgages, credit cards and consumer loans, which enable them to operate as full-service banks.
The risks to consumers and the financial system from ILCs are not theoretical. It should come as no surprise that several large companies that used the loophole to acquire ILCs, evading the type of consolidated supervision meant to ensure soundness and regulatory compliance, then subsequently required public bailouts during the 2007-2008 financial crisis.
Moreover, the loophole provides a way for large technology firms offering a wide variety of services to acquire a full-service bank along with all of the privileges of a bank — even though Congress has generally prohibited the mixing of banking and commerce. These large technology firms thereby gain access to FDIC-insured deposits and potentially a vast trove of consumer financial information all without being subject to the information security and prudential standards that apply to regulated bank holding companies. In addition, because the corporate owners of ILCs are not considered bank holding companies, they also evade the limitations imposed by Congress on the ability of banking organizations to expand into new activities if their insured depository institution subsidiaries have a less than Satisfactory record of performance under the Community Reinvestment Act.
Recognizing that some firms have previously acquired an ILC in reliance on the exception and in the spirit of fairness, the legislation, similar to legislation passed on a bipartisan basis by the House Financial Services Committee, “grandfathers” existing ILCs to remain supervised by the FDIC while closing the loophole for the parent companies of any future ILCs, while prohibiting other commercial companies, as well as other companies not subject to a BHC-equivalent regulatory regime, from acquiring an existing ILC. We feel that this is a balanced approach and commend the effort to seek a compromise to satisfy other stakeholders.
The time is now for Congress to close the ILC loophole before it is further exploited by firms seeking to gain all of the advantages of an FDIC-insured bank charter without the concomitant supervision and regulation that Congress has established for the corporate owners of full-service insured banks. As financial services trades and consumer advocates, we come together to fully support this legislation and look forward to working with the committee to advance this legislation in the future.
Americans for Financial Reform
Bank Policy Institute
Center for Responsible Lending
Consumer Federation of America
Credit Union National Association
Independent Community Bankers of America
Mid-Size Bank Coalition of America
National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions
National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients)
National Community Reinvestment Coalition