AFR in the News: Tea Party Congressmen Accept Cash From Bailed-Out Bankers

Tea Party Congressmen Accept Cash From Bailed-Out Bankers – Heidi Przybyla and Phil Mattingly (Bloomberg News)

April 30, 2012

Tea Party favorites such as Stephen Fincher of Tennessee were swept into Congress on a wave of anger over government-funded bailouts of banks. Now those incumbents are collecting thousands of dollars for re-election campaigns from the same Wall Street firms whose excesses they criticized. They have taken no significant steps to curb them or prevent future taxpayer-financed rescues… “I haven’t seen any of them putting forth legislation on breaking up the big banks or on other things that would genuinely prevent a bailout next time,” said Marcus Stanley, policy director of Americans for Financial Reform, a Washington- based umbrella group of organizations that supported the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act and other financial regulations.” Click here for more.