Chris Bowers: Why We Must Pass the Wall Street Reform Bill

Chris Bowers, co-founder of OpenLeft. com recently wrote an editorial piece for The Huffington Post, which mentions Americans for Financial Reform. In it, he acknowledges that the Wall Street reform bill is not perfect, but “there is a [still] lot of good in this bill.” He goes on to say that, regardless of its flaws, it should be passed. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Senator Russ Feingold is a personal hero of mine. Yesterday, he posted an editorial explaining why he is opposing this bill. I am not going to pick a fight with Senator Feingold over what he could have done, or should have done on the bill. While this is a rebuttal of sorts, mainly it is to let people know that there is a lot of good in this bill, and it is possible to present that information in an honest, self-aware manner that acknowledges where it falls short.

Click here to read the entire post at The Huffington Post.