Tag Archives: shareholder rights

News Release: Experts: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Goldman Sachs Case Could Have “Devastating Consequences” for Investors, Market Confidence

Will the U.S. Supreme Court allow investors defrauded by Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis to have their day in court?  Or, will the Court rule in favor of Goldman Sachs and, in so doing, create a roadmap that publicly traded companies can use to make false and misleading statements that will harm Main Street investors and dramatically undermine market confidence by making it impossible for any investor to rely on the public statements of companies?

Letter to Regulators: Letter to the Department of Labor urging it to withdraw a proposal that would impose new burdens and costs on retirement plans.

AFREF submitted a letter to the Department of Labor urging it to withdraw a rule proposal that would impose onerous costs and process requirements on private sector retirement plans when deciding whether and how to vote on matters brought to a vote at public companies’ annual meetings. It will impose costs on retirement savers and undermine advances on corporations’ integration of environmental, social and governance factors, including those that have a material financial impact on long-term investment performance

Letter to Regulators: AFR Ed Fund urges SEC to withdraw misguided proposed rules on proxy advisors and resubmission thresholds for shareholder proposals

Read or download the full PDF version of the letter. The AFR Education Fund sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission opposing proposed changes to rules concerning proxy voting advisors and resubmission thresholds for shareholder proposals. Taken together, the changes will dramatically reduce