Tag Archives: Systemic Risk

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A Conversation with Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Carl Levin

Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen hosted a conference call with Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Carl Levin on April 29, 2010 to discuss the financial reform bill and the need to reform proprietary trading.  A recording of this call is available below: Conference

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Letter of Support for Merkley-Levin Amendment

On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, Americans for Financial Reform sent a letter to Senators Reid and Dodd expressing their strong support for the Merkley-Levin Amendment (modeled after the Merkley-Levin PROP Trading Act), which will strengthen provisions related to proprietary trading and conflicts of interest in

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AFR Urges Sen. Corker: Stand Up for Your Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: April 19, 2010 Campaign Urges Sen. Corker:  Stand Up for Your Work As Republican Leaders Attack Corker’s Wall Street Accountability Bill, Tennesseans Will Send Message to Stay Strong Washington DC – On the eve of the Senate battle over holding Wall

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AFR: No More Taxpayer Bailouts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Today, Tax Day, as Americans are all too aware of where their tax dollars are going, Americans for Financial Reform agrees that taxpayers should never again be on the hook for the mistakes made by the largest financial institutions. The misstatements about the

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Fact Check: Big Banks Must Pay Up

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The so-called $50 billion “bailout slush fund” would force big banks to pay not taxpayers Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform denounces the misstatements by opponents of reform – including Senators Shelby and DeMint – that have been spreading surrounding a measure in the Senate financial

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Huffington Post: The Real Price of Proprietary Trading

James Crotty, Gerald Epstein, and Iren Levina have co-authored an article regarding financial reform, the “Volcker Rule,” and the real cost of propriety trading.  Here is the introduction to the article: President Obama’s endorsement of the “Volcker Rule” — a set of proposals designed to