Tag Archives: Senate

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Advocates Oppose Car Dealer Carve Out

The industry that has the most complaints to the Better Business Bureau should not be exempted from consumer protection Consumer Federation of America: “In the fight over Senator Brownback’s (R-KS) amendment exempting auto dealers from the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency, representatives of the military

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DRV Dorgan LOS Amendment 4008 naked CDS

United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 May 14, 2010 Re: Dorgan Amendment #4008 to Restoring Financial Stability Act of 2010 to Regulate Credit Default Swaps Dear Senator: The over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights groups who are members of Americans for Financial

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DRV Cantwell LOS Amendment 3950 Illegal Contracts

United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 May 14, 2010 Re: Cantwell Amendment #3950 to Restoring Financial Stability Act of 2010 to make illegal derivatives contracts unenforceable Dear Senator: The over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights groups who are members of Americans for

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CFPA Schumer Mccaskill Debt Settlement LOS

May 14, 2010 Senator United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Re: End deceptive debt settlement practices identified by the GAO and tie debt settlement fees to results – Support Schumer-McCaskill amendment # 3960 Dear Senator: Americans for Financial Reform supports the Schumer-McCaskill amendment #3960 to