Tag Archives: OCC

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AFR in the News: OCC to Rotate On-Site Examiners at Banks to Boost Oversight

“The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, criticized for missing some high-profile problems such as JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s London Whale losses, will institute a five-year rotation schedule for in-bank examiners, the agency said today in response to a review of its practices by non-U.S. regulators. The regulator also said transfers to the risk-analysis group would reduce the number of on-site examiners.”

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AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 John@ourfinancialsecurity.org AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong financial reform, issued