Tag Archives: Implementation

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The Warren Court

The New Yorker The Financial Page by James Surowiecki June 13, 2011   “Elizabeth Warren may well be the most popular person in Washington. When she was head of the Congressional Oversight Panel on TARP, her willingness to go after Wall Street, the Treasury Department,

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AFR Statement on Mark-up of H.R. 1573

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 24, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 john@ourfinancialsecurity.org AFR Statement on Mark-up of H.R. 1573 Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong Wall Street reform, issued the

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Causing a furor before it exists

Causing a furor before it exists James Lardner (Remapping Debate) May 12, 2011 “With the passage of last year’s Dodd-Frank reform law, the 111th Congress called for the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Now, two months before its scheduled launch date, the ascendant

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Derivatives Conference Call Briefing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 26, 2010 CONTACT: John Carey 202-466-1854 John@ourfinancialsecurity.org *** Conference Call Briefing *** WASHINGTON, DC – Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) will host a conference call with reporters and bloggers on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 10:30 AM EST *** to discuss