Tag Archives: Dodd-Frank

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AFR in the News: Trump’s victory sparks bankers’ hopes for new deal on regulations (Politico)

“While Trump bashed Wall Street throughout the campaign, the financial services industry is trying to figure out whether his victory, coupled with a GOP-led Congress, could open a path forward to easing regulations… Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, said he expected to play defense on some issues but hoped that the populist pitch made by Trump during the election ‘wasn’t just rhetoric that gets forgotten when you come to DC.'”

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Press Release: New Tool for Tracking Congressional Votes on Wall Street Regulation

This new report from the AFR Advocacy Fund can help journalists, advocates, and others understand how Congress as a whole, and individual lawmakers, have voted over the past two years on issues related to oversight of banks and the financial system. The report tracks more than 70 bills, amendments, and resolutions that presented House members and Senators with choices about protecting investors, consumers, or borrowers or strengthening the stability, transparency, or accountability of the financial sector.

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AFR in the News: Private Equity Tries to Chip Away at Dodd-Frank With House Bill (NY Times)

“The bill’s opponents — including [Rep. Maxine] Waters and the advocacy group Americans for Financial Reform — question why Congress would undo some restrictions on private equity just as the S.E.C. was identifying problems in the industry. In particular, the opponents have raised concerns about a provision that would reduce the amount of information that large private equity fund managers report to regulators…”

AFR Statement: Financial deregulation is House majority’s answer to all problems

“Speaker Ryan’s plan to ‘Grow the Economy’ would roll back consumer protections affecting everything from subprime mortgages to payday loans, empower Wall Street lawyers to overturn financial regulatory rules in dozens of new ways, and eliminate post-crisis regulatory powers to control risks at the giant ‘too big to fail’ institutions that dominate Wall Street.”

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AFR Statement: Hensarling Plan Would Dramatically Weaken Financial Regulation

“[T]his plan doesn’t get tough on banks; it gets tough on the regulators policing them. It would dramatically weaken their ability to do their jobs, and make it correspondingly easier for Wall Street banks, shadow banks, and lending companies to profit by ripping off consumers and engaging in reckless and dangerous short term speculation, rather than by providing loans, capital, and financial services on fair and transparent terms.”

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AFR in the News: Occupy movement has grown up — and looks to inflict real pain on big banks (Washington Post)

“The group, Take On Wall Street, plans to combine the efforts of some of the Democratic Party’s biggest traditional backers, from the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO to the Communications Workers of America. The group says it will aim to turn the public’s lingering anger at the financial sector into policy initiatives that could change the way that Wall Street works.”