Tag Archives: Derivatives

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Protect Retirement Savings: Let the Department of Labor Do Its Job

AFR joined AARP, AFL-CIO, Consumer Federation of America, Demos, Pension Rights Center, Public Citizen, and U.S. PIRG in sending a letter to members of the Senate urging them not to sign a letter being circulated by Senator Tester attempting to stop a Department of Labor rule making to protect retirement savings by closing gaps and loopholes in fiduciary duty requirements in connection with ERISA funds.

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AFR Opposes HR 1038

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose HR 1038. This legislation would make it easier for major dealers in the energy markets to avoid appropriate designation as swaps dealers, and would also remove important protections for public utilities in their swaps transactions.

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Opposition Materials to HR 1256

AFR sent a letter and one pager regarding HR 1256, the “Swaps Jurisdiction Certainty Act” to members of Congress, urging them to oppose the bill. HR 1256 would severely undermine regulators ability to protect U.S. taxpayers from risks that arise from overseas derivatives trading.