AFR Signs on to Letter: Fully Fund the CFTC
AFR signed onto a letter with other business, consumer, and labor groups supporting full funding for the CFTC.
AFR signed onto a letter with other business, consumer, and labor groups supporting full funding for the CFTC.
Read our letter opposing provisions within the FY 2012 Appropriations bill that would weaken the CFPB, hurt consumers, and the economy here.
Read our letter to Congress urging that they support full funding for the CFTC in FY 2012 here.
Read our letter to Congress urging members to oppose H.R. 1573, a bill that would both delay implementation of the derivatives reforms in Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act and introduce possible new exemptions to those reforms
Read the pdf here. April 13th, 2011 Dear Representative, The record of lawbreaking and abuse by the largest banks and servicers at every stage of the mortgage origination, securitization, servicing and foreclosure process is breathtaking, and the damage done – to homeowners, communities, investors, pension
Read the pdf of our letter here. March 30th, 2011 Dear Senator/Representative: We write to express Americans for Financial Reform’s continued support for the Durbin swipe fee amendment which we supported and was included in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The
Testimony of Peter Skillern, Executive Director Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina United States House of Representatives Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee Wednesday, March 3, 2011 Thank you Representative Capito and Representative Maloney for the opportunity to speak with you on the impact of