Tag Archives: CFPB

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NewsOK: An Okie in Washington Riles Wall Street

NewsOK recently published an article about Elizabeth Warren, an Oklahoman making a stir from Washington DC to Wall Street.  Click here to read the full article. Her goal, she said, is what it has been throughout the 20 years that she’s been researching financial data,

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Newsweek: Pick Elizabeth Warren

A recent article in Newsweek advised the President to pick Elizabeth Warren to head the CFPB.  Click here to read the full article. Warren’s fierce independence is exactly what makes the control freaks in the White House uncomfortable. Their doubts about her can be traced

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Main Street Alliance: We Support Elizabeth Warren

July 29, 2010 Dear President Obama: On behalf of the Main Street Alliance, a national network of small business coalitions, we write to extend our support for the candidacy of Dr. Elizabeth Warren to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by the recently enacted

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Ann Brown in Politico: Elizabeth Warren’s Experience

Former Consumer Product Safety Commission head Ann Brown debunked claims that Elizabeth Warren lacks the “administrative experience” to run the new CFPB in a recent Politico article.  Click here to read the full article. Warren has a top-rate intellect and, expertise in consumer credit products