Tag Archives: CFPB

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AFR Comment Letter to CFPB on High Cost Mortgage Loans

AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFPB on their proposed rules implementing Dodd-Frank changes regarding high cost mortgage loans. The letter argues against changing triggers for high cost loans for smaller loans ­ which the statute allows but does not require, and argues that the proposal should be strengthened in various ways, including by making sure that borrowers in revolving lines of credit get the same protections as those in closed end mortgages.

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Sign on Letter: Support CFPB’s Overseas Remittances Rule

AFR signed onto a letter supporting the CFPB’s overseas remittances rule, which requires remittance transfer providers to provide essential information to consumers about the actual amount of money to be received by their family in the foreign country. The rule makes remittance providers liable for agents acting on their behalf and includes an error resolution procedure to resolve problems.

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AFR Celebrates the First Birthday of the CFPB

AFR sponsored an event celebrating the first birthday of the CFPB with Director Richard Cordray. The even was cosponsored by AFL-CIO, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation ofAmerica, Consumers Union, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, National Fair HousingAlliance, and U.S.PIRG

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AFR Letter: Oppose H.R. 6139

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose H.R. 6139. This legislation would weaken consumer protection against financial abuses, undermine the authority of the CFPB over a huge swath of consumer financial products and services, and override state consumer protection laws through preemption.

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Dodd Frank Anniversary Poll: Three out of Four Voters Favor Strong Oversight of Wall Street

Financial reforms enacted in response to the financial meltdown remain popular with Americans likely to vote in 2012, a new opinion poll by Lake Research Partners shows. The poll was commissioned by AARP, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL), Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). Saturday (July 21, 2012) marks the two-year anniversary of the Dodd Frank Act, which created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

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AFR Letter: Oppose HR 4323

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose H.R. 4323, which would weaken consumer protections and increase the amount of fees paid by families on their mortgages. This bill would also undermine the CFPB.

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AFR Release: Advocates Applaud Consumer Bureau’s New Credit Card Complaint Database Disclosure Policy

For Immediate Release: Contact: Ruth Susswein (301) 718 -2511 ruth.susswein@consumer-action.org Ed Mierzwinski (202) 461-3821 edm@pirg.org   Advocates Applaud Consumer Bureau’s New Credit Card Complaint Database Disclosure Policy New database will empower cardholders and hold financial companies accountable Consumer, civil rights and open government groups, all