Tag Archives: CFPB

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AFR Statement: Appropriations Bill Is Backdoor Financial Deregulation

“In addition to [a] dangerous and highly partisan rollback of financial regulations, the legislation takes aim at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that is succeeding at its job of making the consumer finance markets safer and fairer. The appropriations bill contains policy riders that would dramatically weaken the CFPB by making it the only bank regulator which does not have independent funding, and by replacing the CFPB’s single director with a five-member commission – a known recipe for gridlock.”

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AFR/CRL Poll: National Survey Finds Bipartisan Opposition to Forced Arbitration as the Issue Heads for a Vote in the House

With the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau now in a position to regulate the practice, a new poll shows strong public sentiment against the use of forced-arbitration clauses in consumer finance contracts. The poll demonstrates wide, bipartisan opposition to forced arbitration as the House of Representatives prepares to vote on a multi-agency appropriations bill that would put roadblocks in the way of CFPB action.

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Joint Statement: 78,000 Consumers Urge CFPB to End Forced Arbitration

In petitions gathered by AFR and five allied organizations, more than 78,000 consumers urge the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to take swift action against the use of forced arbitration clauses in financial services and products. The CFPB is empowered by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 to ban or limit this anti-consumer device in products under its jurisdiction.

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 53 Organizations Urge Congress to Reject Legislation that Would Weaken the CFPB

“The undersigned organizations write to urge the Appropriations Committees to reject all proposals to weaken the powers and funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or bureau). In particular, the Committee must oppose any proposals that would limit, delay or remove the authority of the CFPB to take action on the use of pre-dispute binding mandatory (or forced) arbitration in consumer financial contracts under its jurisdiction. “

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AFR Statement at CFPB Field Hearing on Student Loan Servicing

“The CFPB should use the authority that it has to make sure that borrowers are treated fairly, and that they get the information they need to take advantage of any repayment plans available to them. This means that abusive, profit-increasing practices that are banned in other consumer debt industries, but are still used by companies that collect payments on private student loans, must be curbed.”

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AFR Statement: Rep. Tammy Duckworth and Bipartisan Allies Beat Back Attack on the Military Lending Act

“Late last night, a bipartisan group of Armed Services Committee members, led by Rep. Tammy Duckworth (Ill.), a veteran, upheld the Defense Department’s efforts to close loopholes and add new protections to the Military Lending Act (MLA), a 2007 law that was meant to declare servicemembers off-limits to payday and other debt-trap consumer loans.”