Tag Archives: CFPB

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AFR One of Dozens of Groups Supporting Equal Employment for All Act

Joint letter urges Senators to cosponsor Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s bill, which would bar employers from using credit checks in hiring and promotion decisions. “Not only does this practice discriminate against the long-term unemployed, it has a disparate impact on communities of color and people with disabilities and constitutes an unwarranted invasion into job seekers’ personal lives.”

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AFR in the News: Looking Back at the CFPB’s Track Record

With the confirmation battle ended, the Columbus Dispatch paused to reflect on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s accomplishments. “It’s off to a really good start,” AFR’s Lisa Donner told the Dispatch’s Jessica Wehrman. “But there’s a whole lot of work left to be done.”

A Confirmed Director at Last

“Under Rich Cordray’s leadership, the Bureau has begun to make a difference for consumers. Now it’s here to stay. It can continue its important work, with its authority and independence intact. That’s terrific news for American families, and for the American economy.”