Category Archives: Letters to Regulators

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AFR Calls on Regulators to Ban Predatory High Frequency Trading

“[W]e are troubled by the narrow scope of the Release and some of the assumptions underlying it. AFR believes that the Commission needs to consider the broader costs and benefits to the public of permitting ever-increasing speed and ubiquity of automated trading technologies. We believe that such an analysis would support stronger limitations on automated trading than appear to be contemplated…”

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AFR Urges SEC to Stand Firm on Corporate Pay-Ratio Disclosure

“[W]e thank you for your work in drafting an effective rule implementing section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Given that three years have passed since the enactment of the law , we urge you to move quickly to put the final rule in place.”

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Federal Regulators Urged to Crack Down on Bank Complicity in Illegal Payday Loans

AFR joined the National Consumer Law Center, Consumer Federation of America, the Center for Responsible Lending, and 26 other consumer and civil rights groups call for stronger measures to stop banks and payment processors from helping internet and tribal payday lenders collect illegal payments from consumers’ bank accounts.

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Materials on Fiduciary Duty of Financial Advisors

AFR stands with many of our partner organizations in opposition to HR 2374, which would delay needed reforms that would protect middle-class savings and help to restore needed confidence in our financial markets. Here is a compilation of materials on the issue of HR 2374.

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SEC Urged to Maintain Independence of its Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board

AFR and its member organizations warn against a proposal that would “severely weaken” the independence measures called for by the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. “A Board dominated by employees of major banks and dealers with subsidiaries active in the municipal market will not be a truly independent Board.”

Consumer Groups Urge FTC to Ban Payment Systems Favored by Scammers

14 consumer organizations submitted a joint letter to the FTC supporting a proposal to ban telemarketers from using remotely created checks and remotely created payment orders, payment systems commonly used by scammers. The letter also called on the FTC to extend the proposed ban to cover all consumer transactions, not just those conducted via phone.