Category Archives: Press Releases

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AFR Statement: AFR Calls on SEC to Resist Industry Calls to Weaken Fund Derivatives Limits

We are deeply concerned that the Investment Company Institute (ICI) Letter lays out a set of changes to the Proposed Rule which wold effectively negate the derivatives exposure limits in the rule and render them useless as a tool for controlling speculative leverage at registered funds, as is required by the 1940 Act. …This change would not simply modify the relative weighting of derivatives exposures, but would result in a massive increase in the absolute limit on derivatives risk exposure.

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AFR Statement: Dept of ED’s de-recognition of ACICS will protect students and taxpayers

Americans for Financial Reform applauds the Department of Education’s final decision to de-recognize a major accreditor of for-profit colleges, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). The Department’s decision to no longer recognize ACICS is an important step toward ensuring that students and taxpayers do not bear the burden of illegal and fraudulent acts by for-profit colleges.

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AFR Statement: Final Borrower Defense to Repayment Regulations

AFR welcomes the news that the Department of Education has finalized a rule that will prohibit the use of forced arbitration at schools. We hope that as the Department moves forward to procedural guidance and to enforcement that it does everything possible to ensure that no defrauded borrower be left buried in debt from a school that broke the law, betrayed its students, and cheated taxpayers.

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AFR Statement: Trump economic plan would block progress on financial reform

Speaking in Detroit on August 8, Donald Trump outlined the very broad brushstrokes of an economic plan that included a “temporary moratorium on new agency regulations.” Such a moratorium would block the implementation of crucial Dodd-Frank rules that have yet to be written or put into final effect. It would also slam the brakes on many ongoing efforts to protect American consumers. Proceeding with these much-needed financial regulations is vital not just to the economic security of American families, but also to the economic stability of the country as a whole.

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Joint Statement: Democratic Platform Calls for Strong Steps to Curb Revolving Door Abuses

“The financial crisis of 2008 exposed glaring weaknesses not only in the regulations governing Wall Street, but in the institutions charged with writing and enforcing them. It is good news that the Democratic platform includes language highlighting the revolving door and affirming a set of concrete steps to deal with aspects of this problem. It is of the utmost importance that any next president appoint regulators who are willing to stand up to Wall Street in order to stand up for the rest of us,” said Lisa Donner, director of Americans for Financial Reform.”

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Joint Statement: New Bipartisan Poll: By a 3 to 1 Margin Voters Support Restoring Right to Consumer Class Actions and Ending Wall Street’s ‘Get-Out-of-Jail-Free’ Card

“A new national poll found that, by a margin of 3 to 1, voters strongly support restoring consumers’ right to join together to take legal action against banks and other financial services companies that break the law. With the House of Representatives set to vote today on a multi-agency appropriations bill with riders that would strip the CFPB’s authority to act on forced arbitration, voters of all political parties express majority support for federal action to restrict the practice. “