Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Protect Consumers: Oppose the Minnick Amendment to H.R. 4173

AFR, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and many other groups signed the following letter to members of the House of Representatives regarding the Walt Minnick amendment to H.R. 4173. Download this letter as a PDF. Protect Consumers: Oppose the Minnick Amendment to H.R. 4173

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Wall Street, not Main Street, Behind U.S. Chamber’s Attacks on CFPA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Gehrke, 202-721-6077 DATE: December 9, 2009 AFR: Wall Street, not Main Street, Behind U.S. Chamber’s Attacks on CFPA Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cloaks its multi-million dollar assault on the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency Act (CFPA)

AFR Poses Questions for Fed Chief Ben Bernanke

Press Release CONTACT: Doug Gordon, (202) 822-5200 x237 LEADING FINANCIAL REFORM COALITION POSES QUESTIONS FOR FED CHIEF BERNANKE Continued Bank Control of Regional Fed Banks Comes Under Fire Will “Too Big to Fail” Taxpayer Bailouts of Reckless Big Banks Remain Policy? Americans for Financial Reform

Industry Group Wants to Protect Profits, Not Americans by Opposing Financial Watchdog

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:  Lauren Weiner, 202-470-5870 DATE: November 24, 2009 Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform statement on the American Financial Services Association’s attacks on the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency: Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “It is not surprising that