Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Senator Brown Must Win the Gold Medal for Main Street

Advocates Urge Senator Brown to Bring Financial Reform Over the Finish Line and Voice His Support for Wall Street Reform Boston, MA— On Monday, Massachusetts residents will press Senator Brown to get financial reform across the finish line and take home the gold medal for

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Mainers Make Final Push for Financial Reform

For Immediate Release Thursday, July 8, 2010 Adam Goode, Maine People’s Alliance BANGOR – As the U.S. Senate prepares to hold a final vote on financial reform legislation, a group of policy experts and activists gathered outside the offices of Senators Snowe and Collins in

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Another Week, Another Lie From Wall Street

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AFR Debunks Latest Republican Talking Point Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement in response to Republican conferees’ attempts to spread lies about the Wall Street reform bill’s effect on small businesses.  Of course the truth is this bill

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Advocates to Present Senator Brown with a BMW

Advocates will Send Message that Senator Brown Should Trade in his Truck for a Luxury Car and Drive in Style Like his Wall Street Donors Boston, MA— Advocates for financial reform are presenting Senator Brown with a gift on July 1: his very own luxury

AFR Applauds House Passage of Wall Street Reform

Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform hailed the House of Representatives for passing significant legislation to hold Wall Street accountable for the financial crisis and restore economic stability by reining in the excesses of the financial industry. Click here to tell your Senators to