Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Statement on Passage of FY2011 Continuing Resolution

This continuing resolution does not give the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission all of the resources they need, but we are very pleased that the President and Congress fought to keep Wall Street reform on track and resisted efforts to starve them of the funds necessary to police the rules of the financial market.

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AFR Statement on House Financial Services subcommittee hearing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: March 30, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 AFR Statement on House Financial Services subcommittee hearing Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong financial reform, issued

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United States Congressman Elijah E. Cummings Ranking Member, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2471 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4741 FAX (202) 225-3178 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: February 25, 2011 Paul Kincaid, 202-225-4289 Cummings Launches Major Investigation of Mortgage Servicer

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AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 AFR Statement on OCC’s Obstruction of Foreclosure Solutions Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong financial reform, issued