Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Press Statement: SEC JOBS Act Proposal Fails to Address Investor Safety Concerns

Earlier today, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 4-1 to issue a proposed rule implementing the provision of the JOBS Act that allows the “general solicitation and advertising” (GS&A) of private stock offerings. Commissioner Luis Aguilar voted against releasing the proposal, pointing out that it did not include any of the enhanced protections suggested by commenters (such as CFA and AFR) to address the significantly increased investor vulnerability that will result from lifting the long-standing ban on these practices.

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AFR Press Statement: CFPB Stands Firm on Protections for Millions Sending Money to Family and Friends Overseas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                     CONTACT:  Jim Lardner at 202-466-1854                       The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has moved forward with important protections for consumers who send money to relatives and friends overseas. Under the terms

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AFR Statement on Barclay’s LIBOR Manipulation

AFR Statement on Barclay’s LIBOR Manipulation The finding that Barclays manipulated LIBOR rates, as well as the news that other major banks are under investigation for similar actions, is another vivid demonstration of why we cannot trust the banks to govern themselves.  These actions demand

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AFR Statement on CFTC Guidance on Cross Border Derivatives

AFR Statement Regarding CFTC Guidance On Cross Border Derivatives On Friday June 29th the CFTC released a critical guidance on cross border derivatives transactions. This guidance makes clear the Commission’s intention to ensure that foreign affiliates of U.S. banks comply with the new derivatives protections