AFR Statement of Support for “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”
AFR released a statement in support of “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”
AFR released a statement in support of “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”
Senate leaders take a clear stand against the threat of what one Congressional scholar has termed modern-day nullification.
“These findings of widespread and damaging errors… underscore once again how important the [CFPB] is, and how important it is for the Senate to confirm Richard Cordray as Director.”
Americans for Financial Reform applauds today’s letter from 45 House members calling on the White House to nominate a permanent director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
“Wall Street special interests have opposed tough rules every step of the way. We need leadership at the SEC that will resist that pressure and move swiftly forward [to] protect the markets and investors.”
“The Senate now has a second chance to confirm this commendable nominee. It should.”
“[W]hile the final rule is an improvement over the proposed rule, it does not go far enough to ensure fair treatment of borrowers. We urge the CFPB to immediately consider improvements, both on its own and through the interagency guidance process.”
“[P]ortions of today’s rule should have been stronger, and the CFPB has put one very important question on the table for further comment, creating a risk of further slippage.”
With new rules for mortgage lending and servicing due to be issued soon, the Bureau faces an important opportunity to make the housing market work better for families and communities.
International regulators have “effectively gutted” a requirement that was supposed to provide a crucial protection against financial instability.