Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Statement: The Senate Looks at Student Loan Debt

40 million Americans currently owe some $1.2 trillion in student loan debt, which is making it hard for people to buy cars, homes, and even daily necessities. In one recent survey, 29 percent of borrowers said that student loans had caused them to delay getting married…

So this is a problem that fully deserves the double-barreled attention it is getting from the Senate. And more: it deserves meaningful action from regulators and legislators alike.

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AFR Calls for Strong Rules on Payday Lending

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s latest report on payday lending reaffirms what the Bureau’s initial research showed a year ago: these ultra-high-cost loans, while promoted as a form of emergency credit, consistently lead to a cycle of debt. Even after paying substantial fees, many borrowers end up “owing as much or more on their very last loan as the entire amount they had borrowed initially,” CFPB Director Richard Cordray pointed out.

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AFR Statement on CFTC Funding in the FY 2015 Budget

“Refusing to adequately fund the CFTC is a backdoor attack on derivatives regulation. The agency needs the resources to meaningfully implement and enforce the new rules that Congress directed it to write. Those rules are essential to the mission of bringing basic standards of transparency and safety to markets that, left unchecked, were at the heart of the financial crisis that did so much damage to our economy.”

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AFR Statement on House Approval of HR 3193

“Many millions of people have already benefited from the Consumer Bureau’s rules, enforcement actions and online complaint system. Polls show that a large majority of Americans strongly approve of what this important new agency has been doing… And yet, 232 members of the House of Representatives voted today for legislation designed to systematically undermine this first-ever federal agency with a mandate to prioritize fairness and transparency over short-term financial-industry profits.”

Lawmakers Back DOJ Crackdown on Illegal Use of Bank Payment Systems

“Department enforcement plays a critical role in ensuring banks and payment processors meet [their] legal obligations,” the lawmakers say in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. “Unfortunately, recent cases demonstrate the seriousness of the consequences when those obligations are not met. Accordingly, we urge the Department to enforce vigorously applicable laws pertaining to payment fraud, money-laundering, and other illegal payments…”

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Who Do They Represent, Anyway?

The House of Representatives plans to vote this week on the so-called “Consumer Financial Protection and Soundness Improvement Act” (HR 3193). This bill is a gift to the worst elements of Wall Street and the financial industry, whose tricks and traps cost American families tens of billions of dollars a year. If enacted into law, HR 3193 would invite a resurgence of the abusive and deceptive lending that was one of the leading causes of the financial crisis that nearly capsized the U.S. economy five-and-a-half years ago.

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AFR Statement on CFTC Treatment of European Trading Facilities

“The derivatives market is a global market, but risks incurred by U.S. firms can impact the U.S. economy regardless of where a derivatives transaction takes place. As the process of cross-border regulation moves forward we urge the CFTC to ensure that all derivatives transactions posing a risk to the U.S. economy fall either under U.S. rules or under a regime that is fully equivalent to U.S. rules and is properly enforced.”

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AFR Praises Rep. Doggett’s Bill to End the Tax Deductibility of Pay Above $1 Million a Year

“Americans for Financial Reform applauds the introduction of HR 3970, ‘The Stop Subsidizing Multimillion Dollar Corporate Bonuses Act,’ by Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas). Like a companion measure in in the Senate, H.R. 3970 would cap the tax deductibility of CEO pay at $1 million, closing loopholes in order to truly carry out the intent of a 1993 law that originally called for such a cap.”

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Financial Reform – Key Piece of the Inequality Puzzle

“The President’s State of the Union address tonight will continue a conversation about the problem of growing inequality. If we are going to reverse the trend and set this country on a path toward broadly shared opportunity and prosperity, steps to rein in Wall Street excess and reshape the rules of the game for the financial system will need to have a prominent place on the To Do list.”

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The Financial Service Committee’s Skewed “Survey”

“An overwhelming majority of Americans strongly supports the work of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which has been busy returning money to defrauded consumers and bringing commonsense rules to a market that desperately needed them. By contrast, the leaders of the House Financial Services Committee have relentlessly attacked the bureau in terms that echo the arguments of the worst elements of the financial services industry.”