Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Welcomes New Military Lending Act Rules

We urge the Department of Defense to proceed expeditiously to finalize and implement this new proposal, which would carry out the MLA’s clear intent by providing broad protection for servicemembers against loans designed to lead them into a cycle of debt. We hope to see the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau move forward with its own rulemaking process soon in this important area.

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How Does a Do-Nothing Congress Occupy Its Time?

This week, with Congress’s most unproductive session in modern memory nearing an end, the House of Representatives will take up an array of measures to deregulate Wall Street – measures for which there is close to zero voter support. If all goes according to its leaders’ plans, the House will debate and approve three separate legislative packages containing dozens of proposals to reverse or impede the financial reforms adopted after the 2008 crisis, or to throw procedural roadblocks of a broader kind in the way of the already slow process of adopting financial as well as health, safety and environmental regulations.

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AFR Supports Bipartisan Call for Limits on Federal Reserve Emergency Lending

“A bipartisan group of 15 legislators… has released a letter calling for stronger limitations on the use of Federal Reserve emergency lending powers. The Dodd-Frank Act mandated new limits on such emergency lending. Today’s letter strongly criticizes the Federal Reserve’s proposal to implement these new limits, saying that the proposal places ‘no meaningful restrictions’ on lending powers and leaves the door open to a future ‘backdoor bailout’ of Wall Street. AFR welcomes this letter and applauds the efforts of legislators to address this issue.”

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AFR, Groups Statement on OCC Guidance to Banks on Selling of Charged-Off Debt

AFR join civil rights, consumer, and community groups in lauding the OCC for issuing a strong guidance regarding banks’ selling of charged-off consumer debts to debt buyers. The groups urged the agency to also take the next step and issue strong regulations to ensure that national banks do not continue to facilitate unfair, deceptive, and abusive debt collection practices.

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CFPB Moves Forward on Expanded Reporting of Mortgage Data

Americans for Financial Reform, California Reinvestment Coalition, National Fair Housing Alliance, National People’s Action, New Economy Project, and Woodstock Institute praised the CFPB for proposing “a number of positive steps to improve the range and detail of mortgage application and lending information available to financial regulators and the public.” This kind of data, the statement says, “is crucial for regulators and the public to understand the mortgage market, who does and does not have access to credit, and on what terms.”