Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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AFR Statement: Two Key Democrats Get Behind a Wall Street Transaction Tax

A senior House Democrat, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), moved today to put the idea of a Wall Street transaction tax firmly on the table of the national policy debate. Rep. Van Hollen’s proposal – along with a swift statement of support from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) – is excellent news. AFR also strongly supports a second element of Van Hollen’s plan, which would sharply limit the tax deductability of corporate pay above $1 million.

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AFR Statement on Federal Reserve Delay of Volcker Rule Implementation

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 18, 2014   Contact: Marcus Stanley 202-466-3672   AFR STATEMENT ON FEDERAL RESERVE DELAY OF VOLCKER RULE IMPLEMENTATION Today, the Federal Reserve announced that it would delay the effective implementation of a crucial part of the Volcker Rule for

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Joint Statement: Budget Deal Must Not Include an Outrageous Wall Street Giveaway

“The section of Dodd-Frank that Congress is proposing to repeal was put in place to help prevent future bailouts of too big to fail banks. It cordons off the kinds of extraordinarily risky transactions that were at the heart of the financial crisis. Including this repeal in the budget is outrageous. It’s a giveaway to a tiny handful of the biggest Wall Street banks that puts the country’s financial and economic stability at risk.”

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Joint Statement: Europe is Moving Ahead; Now It’s America’s Turn to Tax Wall Street Trades

The U.S. should follow the lead of 10 European countries that are working out the details of a planned financial transaction tax, Public Citizen, Americans for Financial Reform and Stamp Out Poverty said today. “A transaction tax can raise significant revenue, cut down on dangerous high-frequency trading, and incentivize Wall Street to serve real economic needs,” AFR’s Jim Lardner said. “It is time for the U.S. to get on board.”

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AFR Letter: CFTC and SEC Must Act Against Derivatives “De-Guaranteeing” Ploy

“On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), we write today to ask you to ensure appropriate regulatory oversight of derivatives transactions conducted through foreign subsidiaries of multinational Wall Street banks. In particular, we urge you to prevent the inappropriate classification of such derivatives as ‘non-guaranteed’ by the parent company, a classification which could exempt them from numerous critical derivatives regulations.”

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Press Release: CFPB Proposal Would Expand Foreclosure Protections

Members of the Americans for Financial Reform coalition have argued that all homeowners should enjoy the same basic protections in their dealings with mortgage loan servicers. On November 20, the CFPB announced a set of proposed new rules that would bring that goal closer to

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Press Release: AFR joins 8 Allied Groups and More than 67,000 People in Telling PNC and Well Fargo to Stop Using Forced Arbitration

“These non-negotiable terms are one of the ways that companies rig the financial system against consumers and avoid accountability. These terms deny customers access to courts should they seek to pursue legal claims against your company and deprive your customers of important legal protections. The result is that consumers cannot practically or fairly resolve disputes with you or
seek remedies for harm caused by your wrongful conduct.”

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Statement: CFPB Proposal on Prepaid Cards is an Important Step Forward

With the new rules it proposed this week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has moved to make the rapidly expanding world of prepaid and payroll cards a safer and more straightforward place. The CFPB’S proposal would limit, though not prohibit, overdraft programs that blur