Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Press Release: Final Voting Record Issued for 114th Congress

“The AFR Advocacy Fund has released its final voting record for the 114th Congress. ‘Where They Stand on Financial Reform’ tracks more than 70 bills, amendments, and resolutions that, during the years 2015 and 2016, gave House members and Senators a chance to protect investors, consumers, borrowers and the stability, transparency, and accountability of the financial system, or, on the other hand, to make it easier for banks and lenders to inflate their profits at the economy’s and the country’s expense.”

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Joint Press Release: Consumer Advocates Join Fight to Protect CFPB in Court

“‘We are committed to protecting the CFPB’s independence, which is essential to stopping Wall Street and predatory lenders from fleecing American consumers. Director Cordray has been an effective and tireless leader of the CFPB and should serve his full five-year term without the threat of removal by Trump at the behest of industry lobbyists,’ said Lisa Donner, Executive Director of Americans for Financial Reform.”

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Press Release: More than 25% of consumers contacted by debt collectors feel threatened, CFPB reports

“In tens of millions of cases, debt collectors reportedly engaged in conduct barred by the Federal Debt Collections Practices Act. Nearly 40 percent of consumers reported that a debt collector had attempted contact four or more times a week. More than one third of consumers reported being contacted between 9 pm and 8 am. Three in four consumers said that debt collectors had failed to honor a request to cease contact.”

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AFR Press Release: Senator Warren Calls for a Mass Mobilization

“‘It’s time to send a message to big banks, payday loan lobbyists, and their Republican friends in Congress: the American people are watching,’ Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told a telephone audience of nearly 3,000 fired-up activists last night. ‘We’re going to fight back against any efforts to gut financial reform and to allow big banks and shady financial institutions to once again cheat consumers and put our economy at risk.’”

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AFR Statement: CFTC Cuts Swaps Dealers Too Much Slack

“AFR is disappointed at the continuing extension of exemptions from swaps reporting for foreign dealers active in the U.S. markets. Some of the transactions to which this relief applies, such as transactions with supposedly non-guaranteed affiliates of U.S. banks, could be highly relevant to derivatives risks within the U.S. economy.”

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AFR Statement: The Trump Administration and Wall Street Reform

“As Americans clearly understand, the rules of the game for Wall Street have a profound impact on our economic security, and too many people have suffered from policies that enrich a tiny few at the expense of millions. Republican, Democratic and Independent voters have said as much again and again, in polls and elections. In this election, supporters of both candidates were looking for more accountability for Wall Street. The country will be watching to see whether the new President and his Congressional allies make choices – about who to appoint and what policies to embrace – that can deliver that kind of change in the public interest.”

Press Release: Financial Sector Lobbying and Campaign Spending Top $1.4 Billion for 2016 Election Cycle – More than $2.3 million a day

Since 2008, the financial industry’s political spending has increased to levels even higher than they were before the financial crisis, and the the current cycle’s expenditures are on track to be the highest yet, according to a new AFR report. This continued high level of spending reflects the ongoing battle to reshape the financial system and the industry’s persistent efforts to repeal or win exemptions from parts of the Dodd Frank financial reform law, to weaken implementing regulations, and to forestall further proposals for change.

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Press Release: New Tool for Tracking Congressional Votes on Wall Street Regulation

This new report from the AFR Advocacy Fund can help journalists, advocates, and others understand how Congress as a whole, and individual lawmakers, have voted over the past two years on issues related to oversight of banks and the financial system. The report tracks more than 70 bills, amendments, and resolutions that presented House members and Senators with choices about protecting investors, consumers, or borrowers or strengthening the stability, transparency, or accountability of the financial sector.

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AFR Statement: Chairman Hensarling’s Erroneous Claim

“Contrary to Chairman Hensarling’s pronouncement, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is not subject to onerous executive orders regarding ‘Regulatory Planning and Review.’ The executive orders specifically exclude any agency defined as an ‘independent regulatory agency’ by 44 U.S.C. 3502(5), which lists the CFPB by name. PHH v. CFPB did nothing to change that statutory definition.”