Category Archives: Letters to Congress

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Organizational Letter in Support of Financial Speculation Taxes

Americans for Financial Reform, CMOC and other groups will send the following letter to Senator Harkin and Representative DeFazio.  If you represent an organization, click here to join us and sign the letter. ————— Dear Senator Harkin and Representative DeFazio: We, the undersigned organizations, are

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Consumer Financial Protection Agency Should Cover Rent-To-Own Transactions

Americans for Financial Reform and many other groups sent the following letter to Senator Dodd and the members of the Senate Banking Committee arguing that the Consumer Financial Protection Agency should have authority over the “rent-to-own” industry. To The Honorable Christopher Dodd, Chairman Senate Banking

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AFR Urges Congress to Regulate the Derivatives Markets

Americans for Financial Reform (“AFR”) is a coalition of nearly 200 national, state and local consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights organizations who seek meaningful reform of our banking and financial system. A list of the AFR coalition members is attached. AFR writes to

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Letter to Senators Dodd and Shelby on February 24, 2010

On February 24, Americans for Financial Reform sent a letter to Senator Dodd and Senator Shelby regarding their draft of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2009 (“Stability Act”). Letter from AFR to Dodd Shelby (February 24, 2010)