AFR Opposes HR 992/S. 474
AFR sent a letter to members of Congress today urging them to oppose HR 992/S.474, the “Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act”.
AFR sent a letter to members of Congress today urging them to oppose HR 992/S.474, the “Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act”.
AFR signed onto a letter with national and statewide public interest groups supporting the confirmation of Richard Cordray as Director of the CFPB.
AFR sent a letter to member of Congress urging them to support full funding for the CFTC. Funding the CFTC is vitally important to enabling it to do its job: protecting the US and global economy through effective oversight of some of the most critical and central areas of our financial markets.
AFR sent a letter to the hill opposing HR 797. This legislation represents a major weakening of new protections created by the Dodd-Frank Act to prevent predatory behavior in Wall Street financial dealings with municipalities. These protections are critical to protecting taxpayers and citizens from exploitation.
AFR signed onto a letter along with more than 60 organizations supporting “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act” sponsored by Senator Harkin and Rep. DeFazio.
AFR sent a letter to members of the Senate urging them to support the confirmation of Richard Cordray as the full term director of the CFPB.
In a statement submitted to the House Agriculture Committee, AFR explains why U.S. oversight agencies must regulate international derivatives transactions in order to protect the U.S. economy.
Joint letter calls on Senate to approve Reed amendment giving enforcement authority to federal and state agencies.
In a letter to the Senate, 40 organizations ask the Senate to reject an amendment granting a legal safe harbor to all QM lenders.
[Download PDF] July 24, 2012 The Honorable Jeff Merkley United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Merkley: We, the undersigned consumer and community organizations, write to support your legislation to protect consumers from high-risk lending on the internet and offline. The Stopping Abuse and