Category Archives: Letters to Congress

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AFR Opposes Efforts to Make It Easier to Game Stress Tests

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose the “Federal Reserve Accountability and Transparency Act.” This bill would empower Wall Street to prevent effective Federal Reserve oversight of the nation‟s largest banks.

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AFR and More Than 25 Orgnizations Support Operation Choke Point and Other Efforts to Fight Payment Fraud

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose any effort block funding for the Department of Justice’s Operation Choke Point or to weaken other regulator efforts to fight payment fraud. This proposal works to ensure that banks and payment processors comply with longstanding due diligence requirements so that they can avoid facilitating illegal activity by knowing their customers, monitoring return rates, and being alert for suspicious activity.

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AFR Urges Congress Not to Undermine the CFPB

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to reject proposed legislation within the House Appropriations Committee that make CFPB funding through Appropriations, and strip the Bureau of its independence. This change would leave the CFPB vulnerable to financial industry efforts to cut off funding in retaliation for doing its job. Bank regulators have historically been funded outside of the appropriations process to avoid this outcome, which poses serious risks to our financial system and our economy.

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AFR Advocates for the CFTC, Urges Congress to Reject HR 4413

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose HR 4413, “The Customer Protection and End User Relief Act”. This legislation would have a severe negative impact on the CFTC and its ability to police commodities and derivatives markets crucial to our economy.

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AFR Advocates for a Simple, Safer Banking System

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to co-sponsor and support the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act. The proposal would narrow the scope of activities that banks are permitted to engage in, and refocus them on their traditional core functions of lending to businesses and individuals. This change would improve the safety of the banking system by simplifying banks’ structure and activities so that they are easier for directors to manage, for regulators to supervise and for investors to evaluate.

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Do Not Weaken Dodd-Frank Mortgage Protections – Oppose HR 3211

AFR and more than twenty public interest, consumer, and labor organizations sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose HR 3211. This legislation would reopen the door to the higher fees borrowers faced in the lead up to the mortgage crisis.