Category Archives: In the News

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Providence Journal Editorial Endorses Volcker Rule

Rhode Island’s Providence Journal just released this Editorial supporting “the Volker Rule.”  It says: Wall Street should not again earn fortunes through reckless investing while loading the risks onto taxpayers. It’s time for new rules for this game, and no financial figure is better suited

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Poll: Americans Support Financial Reform

The Pew Research Center recently found that a majority of Americans supports government regulation of financial companies.  Read their fullresults here,  and here are excepts from the findings: While the public is wary of too much government, it makes an exception when it comes to

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Mary Bottari: Goldman Accused of Rigging “Robin Hood Tax” Vote

Mary Bottari of dissects Goldman Sachs’ actions in this column on the Huffington Post.  Here is an excerpt: It’s really unbelievable. The way that Goldman Sachs keeps sticking its foot in it is simply unbelievable. Let’s not review their unbelievable bonus pool or their

Senator Tester: Bank “Bailout” Ad False

The Helena Independent Register reports that Senator Jon Tester (D, MT) refutes misleading ads claiming that the financial reform bill is a bank “bailout.”  Here is an excerpt: A little-known political group with links to conservative and Republican Party figures is urging Montanans to oppose