Category Archives: In the News

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NYT: Restarting Financial Reform

The New York Times published this editorial supporting President Obama’s proposal to break up the big banks.  Here is an excerpt: In calling for new limits on the size and activities of big banks, President Obama has given the effort to enact serious financial regulatory

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Wall Street Journal: When Greed is Not Good

Wall Street has quickly rediscovered the virtues of mammoth paychecks. Why hasn’t there been more financial reform? By ALAN S. BLINDER I hear Gordon Gekko is making a comeback. So is greed. They say markets are alternately ruled by greed and fear. Well, our panic-stricken

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Hartford Courant: Proposal Offers Vital Consumer Protection

The Hartford Courant published this op-ed in support of the CFPA.  Here is an excerpt: Just over 100 years ago, Upton Sinclair‘s expose “The Jungle” shocked the American public with lurid details of Chicago’s unsanitary meat industry. Shortly thereafter the nation’s first food safety laws

BanksterUSA: Sleepless Nights on Wall Street, Nightmares on Main Street

AFR friend Mary Bottari posted this response to the FCIC hearings at The top bankers that were called to testify before the independent Financial Inquiry Crisis Commission in Washington today touched on the drama of the September 2008 financial crisis.  They complained of nervous

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Too Big to Save? How to Fix the Financial System

An event at the Center for American Progress In the aftermath of regulatory failures that led to an unprecedented global financial crisis, the rules of the road are being rewritten. The House of Representatives passed legislation late last year and the Senate Banking Committee is

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CNBC: Bonus Watch

Banks are bracing for outrage, not just from the public but from their employees as well. Dan Pedrotty of the AFL-CIO shares insight in this video.

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Financial Times: CFTC head blames OTC derivatives for crisis

The Financial Times recently published this article about the role of derivatives in the current economic crisis.  The report focuses on Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and his recent statement that over-the-counter derivatives “were at the heart and not a side

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Boston Globe article on Dodd’s retirement, financial reform

The Boston Globe published this article about Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and the way it will affect financial reform.  The full article is available here, and the quote about Americans for Financial Reform is copied below. “The best way to protect consumers is to have