Category Archives: In the News

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Syracuse Students Say No to Chase CEO

Students organize opposition: Group plans protest, petition against JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon The Syracuse Daily Orange reports that students have begun to organize to oppose upcoming commencement speaker Jamie Dimon.  The paper states: About 30 students gathered in Schine Student Center’s Panasci Lounge on Wednesday

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Sing Along: Bet Against the American Dream

Planet Money, This American Life and ProPublica have teamed up to bring us a story about Wall Street insiders who made millions betting against the American dream.  Watch the catchy Broadway tune about the story below, and visit for more info. ‘Bet Against The

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Elizabeth Warren: Banks or Families?

Elizabeth Warren wrote this piece in Politico.  Here is an excerpt: Banks or families? For almost a year, the big banks and the American Bankers Association have presented that choice to Congress. Lobbyists argue that meaningful consumer protection will jeopardize the safety and soundness of

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Protesters at Bank of America Call for a Freeze on Foreclosures

Consumer rights activists staged a protest inside the Bank of America building in St. Louis on March 24th.  The protesters, organized as part of the People’s Settlement, called for a freeze on foreclosures and specifically sought a conversation with Jack Shackett, Bank of America’s Credit

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New Study: Bankers Dead Wrong About Effects of Bankruptcy Reform

In 2005, Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA).  Consumer advocates strongly opposed this bill, warning that it was designed only to profit credit card companies while harming consumers.  A study ordered by Congress when the passed the bill has proven

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NPR: Soros Supports the CFPA

George Soros has made billions of dollars predicting the ups and downs of global financial markets.  In this discussion with NPR’s Steve Inskeep he strongly endorses the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA). Listen here.

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Refund Anticipation Loans and the OCC

This article from Zach Carter with SNL Financial outlines the problems with the current regulation, and lack thereof, of Refund Anticipation Loans. Click here for the article (pdf).

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AP: FDIC Chairman Pitching for Consumer Financial Protection Agency

The Associated Press has this report about Chairman Sheila Bair’s support for a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency.  Here is an excerpt: WASHINGTON — The head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. pitched again Monday for a new agency for consumer financial protection, now a

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Huffington Post: The Real Price of Proprietary Trading

James Crotty, Gerald Epstein, and Iren Levina have co-authored an article regarding financial reform, the “Volcker Rule,” and the real cost of propriety trading.  Here is the introduction to the article: President Obama’s endorsement of the “Volcker Rule” — a set of proposals designed to