Category Archives: In the News

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CNBC: Who’s Afraid of Elizabeth Warren?

Heather Booth recently made a guest appearance on a CNBC news segment regarding Elizabeth Warren. During her appearance, she presents her reasons why Elizabeth Warren is more than qualified for the position of director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Watch the video below, courtesy

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Boston Globe: Warren is clear choice to run new consumer agency

Two days ago, President Obama signed the Wall Street Reform Bill, and now the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is going to be a reality. However, the question now is whom he will appoint as head of the CFPB. Elizabeth Warren is a top candidate

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How HAMP Makes Elizabeth Warren The Only Choice For Consumer Protection

Michael Konczal of New Deal 2.0 thinks Elizabeth Warren is a “far superior choice” than Michael Barr, the Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, because she recognizes and is a strong critic of the flaws of the failing Home Affordability Modification Program (HAMP). He says:

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Dems Line Up To Back Elizabeth Warren

Democratic lawmakers believe that Elizabeth Warren is simply “indispensable” and the only person who can bring back “balance” between Wall Street and Main Street. As The Huffington Post reports: Democratic lawmakers are lining up to back the appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head the newly

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Across the Country, Widespread Praise for Wall Street Reform Bill

Here is a roundup of editorials from last week that show the immense support for Wall Street reform: USA Today Editorial: Mindless partisanship mars passage of banking reform: “The financial reform measure, though far from perfect, is clearly a step toward making the system safer.

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Wall Street Reform Bill Still Garnering Mass Applause

For Immediate Release July 19, 2010 Wall Street Reform Bill Still Garnering Mass Applause While Opponents Continue to be Disparaged for Their Motives Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial: Wall Street reform: Congress makes the proper response to crisis, July 19: “The nation’s gravest financial crisis since the Depression

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Round Two: Banks Need to Rebuild What They Broke

With the final Senate passage of the Wall Street Reform Bill, Round One is over; AFR, our coalition, consumers, and now our elected officials have done their part. Now it’s the big banks’ turn. George Goehl, executive director of National People’s Action, recently wrote this

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The Motley Fool: Will This Stop the Next Financial Armageddon?

The Motley Fool recently ran this piece, telling us what consumers “need to know” in order to conclude whether or not the financial crises end here and now. Here is an excerpt: Depending upon who you listened to, the financial reform bill that passed yesterday