Category Archives: In the News

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AFR’s Call with Stiglitz Earns Widespread Press Coverage

AFR recently helped host a press conference call with Robert Stiglitz and other experts regarding the need to reform big banks’ deceptive practices.  The call, which you can read about and listen to here, has been mentioned in multiple media sources including the ones listed

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Stiglitz in Politico: Conference Must Preserve Strongest Provisions

Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz writes in Politico about the upcoming Conference Committee between the House and Senate.  He writes: The future of improved financial regulations depends largely on how the differences between the House and Senate bills are resolved. If the strongest provisions

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What Are Your Senators’ Financial Reform Grades?

U.S. PIRG has graded Senators on their votes on financial reform.  Click here to find out how yours stack up! From their press release: “Looking at how a Senator votes on one final passage vote isn’t enough,” said Ed Mierzwinski, Consumer Program Director for U.S.

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Across the Country, Widespread Praise for Wall Street Reform Bill

Editorial Roundup Shows Opponents of Reform are on the Wrong Side Cleaning up Wall Street: Las Vegas Sun Editorial, May 25: “It is notable that Republicans continue to raise a fuss about the legislation… [Their] comments are also disingenuous. There is no government takeover. Nor is

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Prof. Elizabeth Warren on the Colbert Report

Professor Elizabeth Warren discusses proposed regulatory reform with Stephen Colbert.  (The last five seconds are particularly insightful.) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Elizabeth Warren Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox News

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USA Today: Payday Lenders Lobby for Regulation Exemption

USA Today reports: WASHINGTON — Payday lenders have stepped up their federal lobbying as Congress works on sweeping legislation to regulate banks and protect consumers from the risky financial practices blamed for the economic crisis. The Community Financial Services Association, which represents more than half

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AARP Video: Senate Must Pass Reform

While the rest of us struggle to deal with lost savings, homes and jobs – armies of Wall Street lobbyists are spending millions to kill financial reform in Congress. But after losing so much to Wall Street’s risky excess, American seniors are depending on us to

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Syracuse Students Say No to Chase CEO

Students organize opposition: Group plans protest, petition against JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon The Syracuse Daily Orange reports that students have begun to organize to oppose upcoming commencement speaker Jamie Dimon.  The paper states: About 30 students gathered in Schine Student Center’s Panasci Lounge on Wednesday

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Sing Along: Bet Against the American Dream

Planet Money, This American Life and ProPublica have teamed up to bring us a story about Wall Street insiders who made millions betting against the American dream.  Watch the catchy Broadway tune about the story below, and visit for more info. ‘Bet Against The

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Elizabeth Warren: Banks or Families?

Elizabeth Warren wrote this piece in Politico.  Here is an excerpt: Banks or families? For almost a year, the big banks and the American Bankers Association have presented that choice to Congress. Lobbyists argue that meaningful consumer protection will jeopardize the safety and soundness of