Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Regulating Private Equity: A Jobs Issue

Attached is a page of examples of leveraged buyouts by hedge funds or private equity firms that have resulted in job losses around the country. In many cases, despite job losses, these deals resulted in huge profits for the investors. Recently, economists have begun registering

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ICBA Ltr Opposing Auto Dealer Exemption

May 11, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd The Honorable Richard C. Shelby Dear Chairman Dodd and Senator Shelby, On behalf of the Independent Community Bankers of America and its nearly 5,000 member banks, I write to oppose Sen. Brownback’s amendments SA 3789 and SA 3790

The Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA)

Congress is considering creating a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) whose sole mission would be to protect consumers from dangerous financial products and practices.  (The CFPB has also been referred to as the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA).) Why do we need a CFPA? What would it

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Credit Union’s Oppose Brownback Amendment

May 10, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd Chairman Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Richard Shelby Ranking Member Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Chairman Dodd and Ranking

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Opposition to Financial Regulatory Reform Activities

The financial-industry spent $465 million lobbying in Washington in 2009, which was about $8 million more than in 2008.  (The Hill, 2/23/10; Center for Responsive Politics) That’s $1.4 million a day spent on lobbying in 2009 and $1 million per member of Congress. The top

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Boston Tells Goldman Sachs: We Want Our Government Back!

Consumers and advocates rallied in Boston today in front of Goldman Sachs on the day of the company’s annual shareholder meeting to send a message loud and clear: we want financial reform now. A variety of groups were represented in the crowd, including Jobs with

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USA Today: Put Brakes on Auto Dealers’ Bid for Special Treatment

Read the full editorial here. It’s a springtime sales event for America’s auto dealers. Over the next week or so, they’ll toil feverishly to close deals — not with car buyers, but with members of the Senate in an effort get dealerships exempted from consumer protections