Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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NFHA: Oppose Carper Amendment #3949

Click here for the latest letter from the National Fair Housing Alliance regarding their opposition to Carper 3949 (pdf). For an earlier letter from NFHA regarding preemption, see below: ENSURE STRONG CONSUMER PROTECTION IN S. 3217: ENSURE THAT STATES CAN PROTECT THEIR CITIZENS FROM HARMFUL

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Vitter 4003 Letter of Opposition

May 13, 2010 Senator United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Re: Reject the Vitter Loophole for Bailed-Out Shadow Banks (S.A. 4003) Dear Senator, The 250 consumer, employee, investor, community, small business and civil rights groups who are members of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) urge

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CFPA Corker 3955 Letter of Opposition

May 13, 2010 Senator United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Regulatory Reform Should Include Strong Tools to Deter Bad Mortgage Lending: Defeat Corker Amendments 3955 Dear Senator: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform to urge you to oppose the Corker-Gregg-Isakson (#3955) amendment

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Students and Young Adults Hit Hard by Financial Crisis

Students and Young Adults Hit Hard by Financial Crisis New Brief Shows Young Americans Need Wall Street Reform WASHNGTON, May 13 – Young Americans face “lasting damage” from the dual crises in the financial sector and in personal finance, making it urgent that Congress pass

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AFR Supports Whitehouse Interstate Lending Amendment to S. 3217

United States Senate Washington, DC  20510 RE:   Support for Whitehouse Interstate Lending amendment to S. 3217 Dear Senator: The consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights groups who are members of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) write to express strong support for the Whitehouse Interstate

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Conference Comparison Charts and Other Resources

The following charts and documents were created to compare and contrast House and Senate bills in the Conference period. Click here for the US PIRG scorecard. Top 10 Things About Financial Reform (fact sheet) AFR Conference Priorities (as of May 27) CFPA Comparison Chart (doc)

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Report: How Too-Big-To-Fail’s Army of Lobbyists Has Captured Washington

New Report Details Vast Army Of Former Federal Workers Now Lobbying For The Big Banks A new report, released today, shows that throughout the financial reform debate, the finance industry has spent an estimated $1.4 million per day to influence Congress, and has hired 70 former Members of Congress and