Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR to Conferees: Support Statutory Guidelines on Bank Debt and Capital

June 16, 2010 To Members of the H.R. 4173 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 Conference Committee Washington, DC 20510 Re: Support Statutory Guidelines on Bank Debt and Capital Dear Conferee: The over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community, small business and civil rights groups

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AFR to Frank and Dodd: Support Strong Investor Protections in H.R. 4173

June 15, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Americans for Financial Reform supports strong investor protections in the final conference report on H.R. 4173 Dear Conferee, On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), an unprecedented coalition of more than 250 national, state and

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CFA-AFR to Frank and Dodd: Oppose Exemptions to Sarbanes-Oxley

June 15, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Protect Investors from Accounting Fraud: Oppose Exemptions to Sarbanes-Oxley Dear Conferee, As the Conference Committee prepares to begin deliberations on the investor protection title of the financial regulatory reform bill, we write on behalf of Consumer

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AFR’s Conference Priorities

As the Conference Committee continues to meet to prepare a final financial reform bill, Americans for Financial Reform has outlined these points as their top priorities: Establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that is independent, has broad enforcement authority, and the necessary funding to protect

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CRL: Mortgage and Foreclosure Issues in Financial Reform Conference

June 14, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Barney Frank Chairman, House Committee on Financial Services Washington, DC 20515 RE:  Mortgage and Foreclosure Issues in Financial Reform Conference Dear Chairman Dodd and

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AFR to Frank and Dodd: Support Derivatives Reform

June 11, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Dear Senator/Representative: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of over 250 national, state and local groups who have come together to reform the financial industry. Members of our coalition include

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AFR to Frank and Dodd: Support Senate Derivatives Reform Sec. 716

June 11, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Re: Support Senate Derivatives Reform Sec. 716: Separation of swaps dealing from taxpayer-protected banks Dear Senator/Representative: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of over 250 national, state and local groups

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AFR and Others Support a Strong FTC

Americans for Financial Reform and the undersigned groups support a strong FTC Senate Conferees Should Recede to the House on Section 4901 of HR 4173 Dear Conferee, We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of more than 250 national, state

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Polls Show Voters Support Financial Reform

With Congress finishing up work on Wall Street reform, it’s clear the high ground is with those supporting strong reform.  Read about actions supporting financial reform across the country here. 53% of Americans want their Congressional candidate to support reforming Wall Street, 25% enthusiastically so.