Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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What Does Wall Street Reform Mean?

For details on the outcomes of certain issue areas, follow the links at the bottom of this page. Nearly two years after Wall Street crashed our economy, and after a year of work, the House and Senate are finally ready to vote on a comprehensive

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Wall Street Reform: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

In a landmark win for Main Street, the financial reform bill will result in substantial new protections for consumers from the tricks and traps in personal financing that indirectly and otherwise led to the financial crisis.  The resulting Bureau has the independence and authority it

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Wall Street Reform: Systemic Risk Regulation

Under current law, there is no single body designated to look at the “big picture,” and head off financial crises like the crash of 2008 and major non-bank players in the financial market operated in the shadows without any government oversight. Here’s how the Wall

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Wall Street Reform: Credit Rating Agencies

Credit-ratings agencies had been held up historically as neutral arbiters of risk. That turned out to be far from the truth, as evidenced by the numerous mortgage-backed securities and other risky securities that states and municipalities in particular bought because they had been slapped with

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Wall Street Reform: Derivatives Trading

Selling over-the-counter derivatives is among the most lucrative businesses for the largest financial companies. U.S. commercial banks held derivatives with a notional value of $216.5 trillion at the end of the first quarter of this year, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

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New Poll Shows Strong Support for Wall Street Reform

WALL STREET REFORM POLLING MEMO See below a new polling memo from Benenson Strategy Group on the strong support for Wall Street Reform. TO:                   Interested Parties FROM:              Joel Benenson RE:                   American Support for Wall Street Reform DATE:               June 28, 2010 Americans show strong support for

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AFR to Congress: Support Cloture and Passage of the Dodd-Frank Reform Compromise

June 27, 2010 United States House of Representatives Re: Support for Passage of the Dodd/Frank Reform Compromise Dear Representatives: Americans for Financial Reform applauds Congress, especially Chairman Dodd and Chairman Frank,  for moving forward with such significant legislation reforming Wall Street and holding the big

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Text of the Financial Reform Bill

Compiled below is the text of the financial reform bill from THOMAS as of the morning of June 29, 2010. HR 4173 – Title I (Financial Stability) HR 4173 – Title II (ORDERLY LIQUIDATION AUTHORITY) HR 4173 – Title III (TRANSFER OF POWERS TO THE

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AFR to House: Support the Passage of the Dodd-Frank Reform Compromise

June 27, 2010 United States House of Representatives Re: Support for Passage of the Dodd/Frank Reform Compromise Dear Representatives: Americans for Financial Reform applauds Congress, especially Chairman Dodd and Chairman Frank,  for moving forward with such significant legislation reforming Wall Street and holding the big