Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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What We Need in the Director of the Office of Credit Ratings

Faulty credit ratings played a key role in our nation’s financial meltdown, and now we have chance to ensure that that doesn’t happen again. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act created the Office of Credit Ratings to improve regulatory oversight on this

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AFR Opposes Big Bank Calls for Loopholes in Derivatives Regulation

David A. Stawick, Secretary U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20581 Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: Interpretation of the Definition of “Commercial Risk” Dear Mr.

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AFR Letter on Non-Bank Designation

November 5, 2010 Hon. Timothy Geithner, Chairman        Mr. Edward DeMarco, Acting Director Financial Stability Oversight Council             Federal Housing Finance Agency and Secretary of the Treasury                         1700 G Street, NW, 4th Floor 1500 Pennsylvania, Avenue, NW                   Washington, DC 20552 Washington, DC 20520 Hon. Ben Bernanke,

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AFR Letter on the Volcker Rule

Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) November 3, 2010 Hon. Timothy Geithner, Chairman                 Mr. Edward DeMarco, Acting Director Financial Stability Oversight Council             Federal Housing Finance Agency and Secretary of the Treasury                         1700 G Street, NW, 4th Floor 1500 Pennsylvania, Avenue, NW                   Washington, DC 20552 Washington, DC

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Letter to Attorneys General on Servicing and Foreclosure Abuses

October 18, 2010 To the Multistate Group Engaged in Inquiries of Mortgage Servicer Improprieties: The undersigned organizations, some of whom are a part of the Americans for Financial Reform coalition and others who are legal aid or community housing programs, commend your efforts to investigate

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AFR Statement on the Foreclosure Crisis

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: October 15, 2010 CONTACT: Maureen Thompson (703) 276-3251 AFR Statement on the Foreclosure Crisis Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong financial reform, issued the

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Illinois Sheriff Halts Foreclosure Evictions

Cook County Sheriff  Tom Dart announced this morning that he will not go through with mortgage foreclosure evictions by banks that have admitted to “questionable” foreclosure practices: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and GMAC/Ally Financial. Sheriff Dart said that he will halt 1,300 foreclosure evictions

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Consumers Union Joins Call for Nationwide Moratorium on Home Foreclosures

October 8, 2010 Consumers Union Joins Call for Nationwide Moratorium on Home Foreclosures Lenders and Servicers Should Be Required to Obtain Regulatory Certification of Compliance, After a Full Audit, with All Laws & Regulations Governing Foreclosures and Modifications WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumers Union, the nonprofit