Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Urges Senators to Support Full Funding for the SEC/CFTC in 2012

Read the pdf here. May 4th, 2011 Dear Senator, As the Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee begins consideration of fiscal year 2012 agency funding decisions, we want first to thank you for recognizing the role that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading

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AFR’s Talking Points on HR 1610

TALKING POINTS ON HR 1610 The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) report made clear that unregulated derivatives markets played a critical role in the financial crisis of 2008. HR 1610 would create major loopholes in the Dodd-Frank derivatives rules. It would prevent regulators from requiring

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to Oppose HR 1610

Read our pdf here. May 3rd, 2011 Dear Representative, On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, we are writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 1610, a bill that would introduce various new exemptions into the derivatives provisions of Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act.

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to oppose HR 1082

Read AFR’s letter to members of congress, urging their opposition to oppose H.R. 1082, which would amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to provide a registration exemption for private equity fund advisers.

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to Oppose H.R. 1539

Read AFR’s letter to members of congress calling for their opposition to H.R. 1539, a bill that would hamstring the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s effort to hold Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSROs) to a higher standard of conduct.

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to Oppose H.R. 1062

Read our letter to members of congress urging their opposition to H.R. 1062, that will repeal Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 953(b) requires public companies to disclose the pay disparity ratio between the company CEO and the median employee of the company.