Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Letter: Support Financial Transaction Tax

Read our letter supporting a financial transaction tax here, or below. —————————————————————————————– October 21, 2011 Representative Jeb Hensarling 129 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515   Senator Patty Murray 448 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20515   Re: Financial Speculation Tax Dear Senator

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AFR Letter: Oppose Crapo Amendment 814

In a letter to Congress, AFR urges Senators to oppose the Crapo Amendment 814 to HR 2112, which would inhibit financial regulators ability to oversee the shadow markets in derivatives.

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Coalition Press Statement: Consumer Federation of America – Wall Street’s Oil Speculation Clobbers Main Street’s Consumers

The oil price spike of the past year, which saw gasoline prices increase by over a dollar from the summer of 2010 to the summer of 2011, will drive household expenditures on gasoline to a record average of $2900 this year. Crude oil is about $30 higher than costs or historic trends justify, generating needlessly high prices for petroleum products that will drain about $200 billion out of the economy.