Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR and CFA Letter: AFR and CFA Weigh in on JOBS Act Amendments

As the House takes up consideration of the JOBS Act, AFR and Consumer Federation of America wrote to members of the House in support of a handful of amendments that would make modest, incremental improvements in the legislation’s investor protections. The amendments cannot overcome the bill’s fundamental flaws, however. So, even if the amendments are adopted, CFA and AFR urged opposition to the overall bill.

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Sign on Letter: AFR Stands with Public Interest Groups Against the JOBS Act

As the U.S. House of Representatives prepares to vote this week on the JOBS Act, consumer and investor groups from around the country wrote to urge the House not to adopt this anti-investor bill. The legislation would roll back important investor protections, undermine market transparency, and, as a result, drive up the cost of capital for the small companies it purports to benefit. The groups warned that it is more likely to harm the economy than to produce sustainable jobs growth.

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AFR and CFA Letter: Oppose Anti-Investor “Capital Formation” Bills

Last week, Senate Majority Harry Reid announced that the Senate would be developing its own jobs bill based on reducing barriers to capital formation. CFA and AFR wrote to the Senate detailing their concerns about the various “capital formation” bills. They warned that the bills, as drafted, threaten to undermine regulations vital to protecting investors and the integrity of the capital markets, and they urged the Senate to revise the bill to restore important protections.